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8 <br /> 1 produce a — but it's not enough to deflect the needle on my compass. That's what I use as my <br /> 2 gauge. That may not be technical, but it makes sense. The AC—once the DC goes into the <br /> 3 inverter, and comes out—the AC side also has an electromagnetic field that— about it as well. <br /> 4 But it would be on the same scale on the lines that are coming into it. I always say when you <br /> 5 put 100 amps in a piece of wire, it does have an electromagnetic field, but if you had — if the <br /> 6 utility has 200 amps in that wire before, and this facility puts 100 amps — it actually takes away <br /> 7 100 amps that would be going to substation to this point. So the net effect of having local <br /> 8 generation is to reduce the overall electromagnetic fields that would be surrounding the <br /> 9 conductors that would leave this facility and go across public land, or other people's property. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 The piles that we mount the racks on will be driven into the ground. We try to do the minimum <br /> 12 amount of ground disturbance that we have. But there would be a sediment and erosion control <br /> 13 plan, and it would be approved by the County before any construction starts. There is no <br /> 14 pollution, radioactive spent fuels, coal ash, fracking or chemicals. This is probably the most <br /> 15 benign, safest way we can produce electricity that we know of now on this utility scale. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 I would just like to say, the North Carolina Public Utilities Commission has issued a certificate of <br /> 18 Public Convenience and Necessity for this project, so it would not have gotten to this point if the <br /> 19 North Carolina Utilities Commission did not think that it was a necessary production for <br /> 20 renewable energy. I'm here to answer any questions. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Merrick Parrot: I just have one follow up question for you. Did you prepare an affidavit for <br /> 23 this? <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Chris Sandifer: I prepared an affidavit. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Merrick Parrot: Ok. And Commissioners that is the affidavit that's located behind tab 3 of your <br /> 28 booklet. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Chris Sandifer: And my testimony tonight is the same as that affidavit. Are there any <br /> 31 questions? <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Chair McKee: Questions from the Board? <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Commissioner Jacobs: How often do you have occasion to review a site and find it not <br /> 36 suitable for a solar array? <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Chris Sandifer: I would say most of the time—90 percent of the time—they're not suitable. In <br /> 39 my experience, they— a lot of folks want them, but they're just not compatible. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Commissioner Jacobs: And are you aware of any hazard to wildlife that might land on, or <br /> 42 otherwise touch, the panels. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Chris Sandifer: I'm not aware of any study that causes wildlife any problem. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Chair McKee: Follow up? <br /> 47 <br /> 48 Commissioner Jacobs: No. He probably won't want to answer this question, but which <br /> 49 elected official was it who claimed that the solar panels were stealing the sunshine from the <br /> 50 adjoining jurisdictions? <br /> 51 <br />