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5 <br /> 17 <br /> IV-B-10-e Approval of Preliminary <br /> Plan <br /> a. Individual lots, buildings and streets a. The new road has been designed to <br /> shall be designed and situated to curve around a Quartz Rock outcrop, <br /> minimize alteration of the natural site near the ridge top. Houses will be <br /> features to be preserved. located near the road away from steep <br /> slopes and drainageways. <br /> b. The usability of cluster open/recreation b. The open space is suitable for passive <br /> space shall be determined by the size, recreation. <br /> shape, topographic and location <br /> requirements specified in Section IV-B- <br /> 7-b. <br /> c. Cluster open space shall include c. It includes mature woodland, the <br /> irreplaceable natural features such as, existing community well, and some <br /> but not limited to, streams, significant slopes. <br /> stands of trees, individual trees of <br /> significant size and/or species, <br /> uncommon plant communities, wildlife <br /> habitats and rock outcroppings. <br /> d. Cluster recreation space shall be easily d. The recreation/open space area is close <br /> accessible to pedestrians, including the to the entrance into the subdivision. <br /> handicapped. These areas designed are located on the <br /> more accessible grades in the open <br /> space. <br /> e. The suitability of cluster open space e. The open space preserved will also <br /> intended for scenic value shall be benefit Duke Forest by providing open <br /> determined by its visibility from space serving as a buffer. The amount <br /> adjoining properties and streets and of street and motor vehicle access has <br /> shall seek to lessen the area devoted to been minimized by extending an <br /> motor vehicle access. existing street. <br /> f. Diversity and originality in lot layout f. The road and lots are located to <br /> shall be encouraged to achieve the best minimize disturbance and make the best <br /> possible relationship between the land use of soils for sewage disposal. <br /> and the development. <br /> g. Up to one-fourth of the land with g. There are no slopes over 15% that are <br /> slopes greater than fifteen percent proposed to be removed or altered. <br /> (15%) may be removed or altered only Houses will be near the ridge top and <br /> when such slopes are small and isolated can be designed to fit the existing <br /> and do not otherwise adversely affect slopes. <br /> the design of the development. <br />