Orange County NC Website
FINDINGS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING AND <br /> INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT PERTAINING 13 <br /> TO DEER RIDGE SUBDIVISION <br /> CRITERIA FINDING <br /> IV-B-10-b Application Criteria <br /> a) The tract is a minimum of 400,000 a) The property is 19.534 acres or <br /> square feet for the AR and RB districts. 850,901 square feet in size, 450,901 <br /> 200,000 square feet for the R-1 district square feet larger than the minimum <br /> and 80,000 square feet for all other required. <br /> districts. <br /> b) Approved water supply and wastewater b) As approved by the Orange County <br /> treatment systems are available and Division of Environmental Health, each <br /> each lot is served by separate water lot will have individual septic tanks and <br /> supply and sewerage connections. connect to the existing community <br /> water system. <br /> c) The total number of lots proposed for c) 19.534 acres gross land area <br /> the tract, excluding parcels of reserved - .675 acre in right-of-way <br /> recreation/open space, is not greater <br /> than the number determined by dividing 18.85 acres net land area <br /> the gross land area, excluding public <br /> road rights-of-way, by the minimum lot 18.85 acres _ 2 acres <br /> size requirements for the zoning district = 9 lots maximum <br /> established in the Orange County 8 lots proposed <br /> Zoning Ordinance. <br /> d) The recreation/open space reserved d) See comments that follow. <br /> within the tract conforms with the <br /> recreation and open space standards <br /> established in Section IV-B-7-b. <br /> IV-B-7-b <br /> 2. Dimensional Requirements <br /> If the application of the provisions The acreage provided for <br /> of Article 5.1.1 (Required recreation/open space is 5.472 acres, <br /> Minimum Recreation Space Ratio) which exceeds the amount required by <br /> and Article 6.12 (Land Use the Zoning Ordinance (0.55 acre) and <br /> Intensity System) of the Orange by the Subdivision Regulations (0.23 <br /> County Zoning Ordinance results in acre). <br /> a greater amount of land, then the <br /> difference between the application <br /> of the standards above and those of <br /> Article 5.1.1 and Article 6.12 shall <br /> be established as private recreation <br /> for the use of the residents of the <br /> development. <br />