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4 <br /> 13 <br /> 5. Method of Provision or Dedication <br /> The payment in lieu of land dedication will <br /> Land dedicated for public be used to purchase and/or develop <br /> recreation area as required by this parkland for use by the subdivision and <br /> Ordinance shall be designated on neighborhood residents. <br /> both the preliminary and final <br /> plat(s) of the subdivision and must <br /> be dedicated to an appropriate unit <br /> of local government. <br /> e. The minimum amount of land reserved Lot sizes have been reduced a total of <br /> as recreation/open space shall be the 7.134 acres. 12.09 acres of <br /> sum of all reductions in minimum lot recreation/open space are proposed. <br /> area as a result of the cluster form of <br /> development and/or the minimum <br /> recreation/open space <br /> Section IV-B-7-b, whichever is greater. <br /> IV-B-10-c Reductions in Lot and <br /> Setback Requirements <br /> For lots created as part of a cluster <br /> development minimum lot area, lot width <br /> and setback requirements specified in <br /> Section 4.1.2 may be reduced as follows: <br /> a. Minimum lot area requirements may be a. The minimum residential lot size <br /> reduced by fifty percent (50%) but shall proposed is 1.00 acre, a 50% reduction <br /> be no smaller than 5000 square feet. of the 2-acre lot size required in the <br /> Little-PW zoning district. <br /> b. Minimum lot width requirements may b. The minimum lot width required is 150 <br /> be reduced by twenty percent (20%), feet. Lot widths may be reduced to <br /> but shall be no less than fifty (50) feet. 120 feet. Lot width is not applicable <br /> on the cul-de-sac. <br /> c. Minimum front setback requirements c. Front setbacks may be reduced to 30 <br /> may be reduced by twenty-five percent feet. <br /> (25%) except where the front lot line <br /> forms an exterior boundary of the <br /> cluster development. <br /> d. Minimum rear and side setback d. With the exception of lots 3 through 10 <br /> requirements may be reduced to ten along the exterior boundary, side and <br /> (10) feet except where the rear or side rear setbacks may be reduced to 10 <br /> lot line forms an exterior boundary of feet. <br /> the cluster development. <br />