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6 <br /> businesses and employment by new smaller schools;thereby improving the small <br /> businesses that will locate in North Carolina schools without impacting the large schools. <br /> due 'to availability of an advanced The latter appears to be the more appropriate <br /> communications infrastructure. solution Ii <br /> Health care: Other than advanced diagnostic <br /> Applications: and treatment systems such as VISTAnet, <br /> there are enormous opportunities to utilize <br /> Initial NC[H application identification and this technology to address two of the most <br /> development efforts have focussed in five critical issues in health care: access and cost. <br /> primary auras, although history has proven A broadband network allows physicians in <br /> that end users will develop applications that small rural hospitals and clinics to receive <br /> technologists overlook. The five areas of expert consultation from major medical <br /> concentration are: education, health care, carters. This can take several forms, from a <br /> criminal,Mice, economic development, and second opinion by an expert radiologist <br /> government efr'iciertcy. regarding a digitized X-ray showing a <br /> mysterious mass,to a dermatologist remotely <br /> Many of the primary educational examining a suspicious mole on an elderly <br /> applications were briefly described in the patient. While both of these consultations <br /> Vision Carolina summary and will not be can take place without a broadband network, <br /> repeated in this section Two additional the result is considerable inconvenience to <br /> applications are the opportunity for "video the patient and/or additional costs to the <br /> field trips" where students can get exposure tr eating facility in an attempt to keep the <br /> to potential oamations(such as health care) needed expertise on staff In many cases <br /> via the network without requiring excessive today, the patient will avoid traveling to a <br /> expense to the school or disruption to the medical center for further examination in <br /> "visited"location. In addition,these systems hopes that their condition will improve <br /> expose students to a variety of technology without additional treatment- The patient <br /> that they will use when the enter the wxk rarely ova, but mere often eventually <br /> force. Finally, distance leaning appears to arrives at the medical center in a more <br /> have a great deal of potential in addressing advanced stage of disease. The result is <br /> concerns over equity in education. More increased treatment cost and Increase <br /> than twenty states crarartly face or will soon mortality rates. In the other scenario, <br /> face equity litigation of one form or another, smaller facilities attempt to provide specialty <br /> and it is clear that financial resources do not expertise on staff and have difficulty <br /> exist to hire enough teachers to ensure that avoiding financial problems. Additional <br /> small rural schools have access to the same health care applications include better <br /> course variety as large urban schools. The continuing medical education oppommities <br /> two remaining options are that we: 1) lower and the Potential for lifetime medical records <br /> the standard of some schools and use the to be accessed from any location in the <br /> savings to raise the standard of others to an event of an accident or unexpected need. <br /> equitable level, or 2) utilize advanced There is also a significant opportunity to <br /> telecommunications technology to make utilize these systems to improve insurance <br /> resources of larger schools available to claim processing efficiency • and reduce <br /> 5 <br /> 1 <br />