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4 <br /> - 1 <br /> dimensional radiation therapy plan in order switched video system supported by a DS-3 <br /> to deliver higher doses of radiation to tumors (45 Mb/s) fiber optic network. Each <br /> while minimizing the radiation levels to classroom contains two cameras and <br /> surrounding tissue. It is possible to support monitors at the front of the room for <br /> this application-with conventional state of students to view the teacher and/or =note <br /> the art graphics computers; however, it classes, and a large screen monitor at the <br /> would take anywhere from several minutes rear of the room for the teachers to view <br /> to a couple of hours to get the projected remote classrooms. A high quality overhead <br /> results from a proposed treatment plat camera is also available for sending a variety <br /> Using the broadband network to access the of images. Continuous presence audio is <br /> supercomputer allows this process to be another very important feature of this <br /> completed in two seconds or less. Without system. It provides for "mixing" of the <br /> the response times provided by such a high audio from all remote locations, allowing <br /> performance network, radiation oncologists students to ask spontaneous questions or <br /> would find the application to be much less provide answers just as if they were in the <br /> desirable to use because of the waiting classroom with the teacher. A "quad- <br /> periods required to develop each treatment splitter" is incorporated into the video <br /> plan. This time factor would restrict the switches to allow up to four remote <br /> number of plans that could be evaluated by classrooms to be shown on the same <br /> a radiation oncologist, and therefore may monitor. The entire system (camera ':• <br /> compromise the quality of the chosen positions, zoom, audio levels, etc.) is <br /> treatment plan. With VISTAnet, a physician controlled by a facilitator in each classroom. <br /> can evaluate hundreds of plans in order to In most cases the facilitator is a staff <br /> ensure that the optimum plan is ehosaL member, but in some instances a student has <br /> Furthermore, access to such specialized provided that function. <br /> . resources over a high performance netwuxic <br /> avoids the need to duplicate medical and There are several potential benefits of a <br /> technical equipment and expertise at each distance learning system such as the Vision <br /> treatment location. Carolina project. The most obvious is the <br /> ability to offer a much broader array of <br /> • Vision Carolina is another application and classes than would otherwise be available. <br /> technology trial that has been underway in This is particularly important for small rural <br /> North Carolina. It began at the start of the schools where. the number of students <br /> 1991-1992 school year, and will Continue interested in a particular is not sufficient to <br /> until the end of the 1993-1994 school year. justify a teacher, even if a qualified teacher <br /> Vision Carolina is a distance learning trial were available. This would typically be the <br /> that consists of sixteen locations in the case for specialized classes such as advanced <br /> Charlotte and Wilmington metropolitan physics, calculus, or a variety of foreign <br /> areas. While these locations are primarily languages. Unfortunately, many teachers <br /> public high schools, they also ,include teaching these classes today are not certified <br /> community colleges, universities, and a to do so. A distance learning system would <br /> regional medical center. make specialized classes available for very <br /> small groups of interested students. During <br /> Vision Carolina utilizes a high quality the Vision Carolina trial high school students <br /> 3 i1 <br /> • <br />