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~a <br />ATTACHMENT C <br />DISCUSSION OF PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION FOR A DEVELOPMENT <br />MORATORIUM IN THE NORTHERN STUDY AREA <br />On December 5th, the Board of Aldermen received a presentation from Alderman Alex Zaffron and Planning <br />Board chair James Carnahan to develop a process to re-examine the plan for Carrboro's Northern Study Area. <br />The staff recommended that the Board of Aldermen consider a resolution providing an opportunity to specify <br />follow-up in response to the Planning Board request. <br />It was the consensus of the Board to request that the town staff bring the process to update and implement the <br />Northern Study Area Small Area Plan to the Board for adoption on February 20~'. <br />The following resolution was introduced by Alderman Alex Zaffron and duly seconded by Alderman Joal Hall <br />Broun. <br />A RESOLUTION SPECIFYII~tG FOLLOW-UP TO PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION <br />FOR A DEVELOPMENT MORATORIUM IN THE NORTI~RN STUDY AREA <br />Resolution No. 116/2006-07 <br />WHEREAS, the Carrboro Board of Aldermen seeks to consider fully policies, plans and regulations pertaining <br />to development opportunities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Planning Board has made a recommendation for a moratorium in the Northern Study Area. <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Aldermen directs staff as follows <br />Instruct staff to define a process for asix-month moratorium on residential development in the Northern <br />Study, Area. , <br />The foregoing resolution having been submitted to a vote received the following vote and was duly adopted this <br />6th day of February, 200'7: <br />Aye's:. Joal Hall Broun, Mark Chilton, Dan Coleman, Randee Haven-O'Donnell, John Herrera, Alex Zaffron <br />Noes: None <br />Absent or Excused: Jacquelyn Gist <br />*********** <br />Carrboro Board of Aldermen Page 9 February 6, 2007 <br />