Orange County NC Website
<br />to the BOCC upon receipt from our engineering consultant, which is anticipated to be <br />within the first 10 days of April. <br />Siting Criteria <br />Attachment E is a memorandum from the SWAB that summarizes that Advisory Board's <br />evaluation of the Eubanks Road site and discusses the criteria the Board utilized in its <br />evaluation. The memo also lists various typical criteria as listed in EPA guidance <br />manuals/documents. The report has not been formally adopted by the SWAB given the <br />timing of this agenda item. <br />The average time needed to conduct a site search process differs greatly. Olver Inc. in <br />their.original timeline allowed one year for site selection and acquisition. Depending on <br />the actual process, number of meetings, whether there is a'site search steering committee <br />and its membership, level of ongoing citizen involvement, complexity of the <br />discretionary criteria, number of available sites that arise throughout the county to be <br />evaluated, time taken to make a final recommendation, time taken by the BOCC for a <br />decision, negotiations on property acquisition, the time to identify and acquire a property <br />can vary considerably. Based on past experience the time necessary to identify and <br />acquire a site could be significant. <br />Staff will refer readers to attachment E for a listing of possible site search screening and <br />selection criteria rather than duplicate the listing provided by the SWAB. <br />Staff has provided responses to questions from the BOCC. Further questions or analysis <br />maybe necessary and staff is prepared to continue providing information as necessary in <br />order to assist the Board in making transfer station related decisions. <br />4 <br />