Agenda - 03-27-2007-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-27-2007
Agenda - 03-27-2007-9a
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8/28/2008 11:31:04 AM
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Minutes - 20070327
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2007
RES-2007-028 Waste Transfer Station Siting
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2007
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5 <br />Staff has not identified any other Carrboro or Chapel Hill owned property suitable for <br />hosting a transfer station, with the possible exception of the Greene Tract, with is not <br />being evaluated or considered. <br />Reconsider Timeline <br />The timeline has been reexamined in order to evaluate it for opportunities for extending it <br />to allow more time for additional landfill siting process. We have determined that <br />depending upon the specific site locations, characteristics and number of candidate sites, <br />should additional sites be considered, there will be some variability of the timeline. For <br />instance, the Eubanks Road landfill site has already been subject to the site feasibility <br />analysis. Other sites have not. A site requiring an additional level of due diligence could <br />significantly extend the timeline. ~ The length of a new siting process itself, including <br />making a final decision, will directly affect the timeline and be additive to the attached <br />revised timeline. Weather or contractor issues will affect the construction schedule. <br />Unreasonable or unanticipated delays in receiving local zoning and special use, or state <br />construction and operating permits will impact the timeline. <br />Following a thorough reconsideration of the transfer station project timeline, Olver Inc. <br />has provided Attachment D. The format. has been changed by eliminating references to <br />specific dates/years and instead utilizing a number of months approach. Another change <br />is to remove the siting process portion entirely given the uncertainties and variables <br />,related to a potential siting process and because the BOCC can to a large extent dictate <br />that process and timeline. It has also been changed by subdividing the tasks so that the <br />individual task subcomponents may be better understood. The timeline as presented <br />indicates a 38 month process, excluding whatever time is invested in a transfer station <br />siting process versus 44 months in the original timeline (excluding the site search and <br />acquisition portion). The difference is in the reduction of construction by 3 months and <br />the facility design is also reduced by 3 months. <br />While procurement of the destination landfill can be conducted concurrent with the site <br />search, we recommend that present priorities and resources should be focused initially on <br />identification of a site. Additionally, proposed new landfill regulations and policies being <br />considered by DENR and the Legislature could significantly impact the cost of disposal <br />and until there is sorxie final resolution or possible adoption of new rules we believe <br />proposals from out of state landfills will likely be found to be much less expensive than <br />in-state landfills, who are unable to provide reliable competitive bids due to the <br />uncertainty of future costs within North Carolina. <br />Staff is currently preparing for the annual survey of the MSW disposal unit. This <br />information will allow staff to calculate, based on air space used in a given period of time <br />and incoming waste tonnages, the amount of remaining capacity. The results of the <br />survey will likely change the target date for when the landfill will reach capacity and the <br />transfer facility opens. It is possible, and we hope that the survey will indicate, that we <br />have more time than our current projections indicate. The survey results will be reported <br />3 <br />
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