Orange County NC Website
Memo to Gayle Wilson <br />March 19, 2007 <br />Page 3 <br />Exclusionary Criteria are those criteria that would prohibit siting by laws or <br />regulation, or that would require special engineering or construction techniques. The <br />SWAB remains unaware of any exclusionary siting criteria applicable to the existing <br />Eubanks Road Site. <br />Technical Siting Criteria are those parameters that affect technical, environmental, <br />and economic operations of the WTS facility. They can be viewed as "operational <br />consideration," and include the following: <br />Central location to collection routes. The SWAB was particularly concerned <br />with the importance of keeping to a min;mum the distances traveled by <br />collection vehicles to reduce driving times, gas consumption, air emissions, <br />and truck wear and tear. The Eubanks Road site is presently the locus of <br />delivery of solid waste fxom allover the county, and county and municipal <br />collection routes are presently optimized to deliver waste there. <br />• Access to major transportation routes. The Eubanks Road location is close <br />to I-40 for access to long-haul trucks, and to major delivery routes for <br />collection vehicles, min;m;~ing the distance these larger vehicles would need <br />to be on secondary roads in the county. <br />• Site size requirements. The SWAB reviewed and concurred with a siting <br />study by Olver Associates indicating that there was sufficient area for the <br />WTS at the Eubanks Road facility. <br />• Sufficient space for onsite roadways, queuing, and parking. The siting study <br />by Olver Associates indicated that there was sufficient area for associated <br />infrastructure for the WTS at the Eubanks Road facility. <br />• Truck and traffic compatibility. The SWAB was concerned that there would <br />be the additional large truck traffic on Eubanks Road, but concluded that an <br />estimated increase of approximately 10 to 15 (average about 12) large-truck <br />round trips per day as a result of siting the WTS at the Eubanks Road facility <br />would not constitute a significant increase in overall vehicular traffic along <br />Eubanks Road. In addition, the SWAB understands that development of the <br />WTS on Eubanks Road would also include additional shoulder and turn <br />space for the large trucks entering the facility. <br />• Ability for expansion. The SWAB understands that the WTS as planned <br />would be constructed larger than necessary at this time in order to <br />accommodate future needs, and our recommendation was based on that <br />understanding. <br />is <br />• Space for recycling, composting, and public education. These activities are <br />presently carried out on the site and would not be adversely affected by the <br />