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Table 2 The mailed notice need only be made by first-class mail. <br /> Summary of Requirements for Mailed Notice of Proposed Zoning It does not have to be registered or return-receipt mail. <br /> Classification Actions Some zoning ordinances go beyond this to require cer- <br /> tified mail,and some zoning offices do so as a matter of <br /> Triggered by: Zoning classification action office policy,but that is not required by statute.Also,the <br /> Sent to: notice is to be mailed to the owners as identified by the <br /> Owner of parcel and abutting parcels,as shown on county tax records; an updated title search is not re- <br /> county tax listing quired.If there are no tax maps available for the area,the <br /> How mailed: First class mailed-notice requirement does not apply." <br /> P Not required for total rezonings of entire jurisdiction All rezonings that amend zoning district boundaries <br /> Exceptions: eq require mailed notice. In general,even here must be sent to any g rat,it is also required for <br /> y property that is the application of new overlay zones,the application of <br /> put in less intensive zone) zoning to new extraterritorial areas,and the initial adop- <br /> Verification; Certification to governing board of mailing to be tion of zoning.Mailed notice usually is not required for <br /> provided by person making the mailing most routine zoning text changes,since they do not af- <br /> fect the basic zoning classification of property." <br /> whether he or she would be affected.' This does not The mailed notice also must be sent to all"abutting" <br /> mean that it must contain a property°�e�•As a matter of practice,some cities send <br /> e affect legal description of the prop- a mailed notice to all who would qualify to sign ed,s nor that the text of the proposed ordi- q fY lly a protest <br /> nonce be published.9 But enough detail must be petition whether or not they have technically abutting <br /> to let a printed parcels of land.This generally includes the owners of both <br /> person know the nature of the zoning change the property being rezoned and the property proposed and to clearly describe the property P perty within 100 <br /> being (for example,by P pew in- feet(excluding abutting rights-of-way)of that property. <br /> ( P y giving the street address).Just list- The statute does not require the local government to <br /> ing the ordinance number with the date and time of the do the mailing if it is not initiating the rezoning.Several <br /> hearing will not suffice;the court of appeals held such a zoning ordinances place much of the administrative and <br /> notice to be inadequate. <br /> cost burden on the party requesting a rezoning, by re- <br /> quiring that person to provide a certificate that the mail- <br /> By reading the notice,even the most diligent owner <br /> of property.,.would have no reasonable cause to sus- ing was done or to provide stamped, <br /> pect that his property might be affected by the City's to the local government to deit in the mailVMany <br /> contemplated amendment to its ordinance.To be ad- other local governments require that a list of those to be <br /> equate, the notice of public hearing required by G.S. <br /> 160A-364 must fairly and sufficiently apprise those mailed notices be provided as part of any petition for a <br /> whose rights may be affected of the nature and charac- <br /> mailed-notice <br /> rezoning. <br /> ter of the action proposed.' ect to <br /> Individual Mailed Notice <br /> more modification by local legislation than any,other <br /> mandated zoning procedure.Given the high cost of in- <br /> In 1985 the General Assembly amended G.S. 153A- dividual mailings when a substantial rezoning is pro- <br /> 343 and 160A-384 to require individual mailed notice to posed, ei <br /> those parties most directly affected by certain legislative received legislative relief. have oThe most tcommon modifica- <br /> zoning decisions:"zoning classification actions."In 1987 tion has been to substitute publication once a week for <br /> this provision was amended to exempt the total rezon- four weeks of a large display advertisement in a local <br /> ing of an entire community from the mailed-notice re- newspaper in lieu of mailed notices." <br /> quirement.This exemption was itself modified in 1990 <br /> to require mailed notice in total rezonings if the rezon- Speakers and Evidence <br /> ing involves "down zoning"or zoning to a less intense Speakers and Evident¢ <br /> Public hearings on legislative zoning decisions must <br /> use."(See Table 2.) <br /> Most aspects of the mailed-notice requirement are formalities conducted <br /> of an evidentiary hearing—oaths,exhibits,The notice should include the same information cross-examinations,avoiding t <br /> contained in the published notice,should advise persons of the hearing,and the like-gathering not be observed. <br /> Af <br /> of the proposed zoning change,and should be mailed in ter all,with these hearings the governing board is receiv- <br /> time for receipt a reasonable time before the hearing. ing comments,not hearing evidence. <br /> 30 POPULAR GOVERNMENT Spring 1993 <br />