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Table 1 <br /> ing on a rezoning, <br /> Key Differences between Legislative and Evidentiary Zoning Hearings g g' special-use permit,r, es a and follow <br /> Local officials could learn one set of rules and follow <br /> Legislative Evidentiary them for all zoning hearings. But that is not the way <br /> things work, and there are good reasons that different <br /> Notice of Hearings Both newspaper notice Only notice to parties requirements must be followed for different types of <br /> and mailed notice to to the matter is zoning hearings. <br /> owners and neighbors required unless Because legislative zoning decisions such as a rezon- <br /> are required. ordinance mandates ing have such widespread impact,the state statutes au- <br /> otherwise. <br /> thorizing local government zoning require broad public <br /> Speakers at Hearings Number of speakers, Witnesses presenting notice of the proposed decision.The policy choices in a <br /> time for speakers can testimony can be zoning ordinance affect landowners,neighbors,business <br /> be reasonably limited. limited to relevant and industry,and all citizens concerned about the future <br /> evidence that is not character of the community.The statutes encourage full <br /> repetitious. public discussion and deliberation before these decisions <br /> Evidence None is required; Substantial, are made and leave substantial discretion in the hands of <br /> members are free to competent,material local elected officials regarding what these public policies <br /> discuss issue outside evidence must be put should be. <br /> hearing. in the record;witnesses In quasi-judicial zoning decisions(such as a variance <br /> are under oath,subject 'petition),on the other hand,while the hearing and de- <br /> to cross-examination; liberation must be open to the general public,the focus <br /> no discussion of the is on gathering relevant evidence and protecting the <br /> case outside the <br /> hearing is allowed. rights of the specific parties before the board. No new <br /> policies affecting the entire community are being <br /> Findings None are required. Written findings of fact created,so there is no need to broadly solicit public opin- <br /> are required. ion. But since the rights of the parties are being <br /> Records Regular minutes are Detailed record of determined,the courts have imposed fairly strict require- <br /> satisfactory. testimony is required; ments to assure an impartial decision based solely on le- <br /> clerk should retain all gitimately acquired and considered evidence.The courts <br /> exhibits during period further require a clear rationale for the decision,because <br /> of potential appeal. any appeal of the local board's decision to superior court <br /> will not result in a new hearing on the facts—the courts <br /> must use the record developed before the local board.An <br /> in the application of a zoning ordinance to an individual expeditious judicial review ensures that these required <br /> situation.These hearings are much like a court proceed- protections of individual rights have been observed. <br /> ing—witnesses present testimony, exhibits are submit- These different types of considerations result in dif- <br /> ted, detailed minutes are kept, and a formal written ferent statutory and constitutional due process require- <br /> decision is rendered.Legislative hearings are required for ments for the various types of zoning decisions. The <br /> legislative zoning decisions, while evidentiary hearings purpose of a hearing on a legislative zoning decision is <br /> are required for quasi-judicial zoning decisions, to gather public opinion;the purpose of a hearing on a <br /> Both types of hearings are open to the public and are quasi-judicial zoning decision is to gather evidence. <br /> intended to solicit comments, but they have different Therefore different types of notice are required,and dif- <br /> standards for the notice required prior to the hearing,as ferent types of hearings are conducted.(See Table 1 for <br /> well as for who can speak,what issues are appropriately a summary of differences between legislative and quasi- <br /> raised,the formality with which the hearing must be con- judicial zoning decisions.) <br /> ducted,and the records that must be maintained. <br /> When to Apply Both Sets of Rules <br /> Why Are There Different Rules? <br /> Local governments imposing special-or conditional. <br /> Matters certainly would be simpler if there were just use district zoning must be especially attentive to these <br /> one generic"zoning hearing"that could be used when- differences,because such district zoning involves simul- <br /> ever a city or county was required to hold a public hear- taneous application of a legislative zoning decision(the <br /> 28 POPULAR GOVERNMENT Spring 1993 <br />