Orange County NC Website
-2- <br /> 5. It must provide a mechanism to transmit the information de- <br /> scribed above in a clear, concise and understandable format <br /> to Priority Setting Committees as nominated by the County <br /> Commissioners. <br /> 6.. These Priority Setting Committees must, based on the data <br /> given them and their experiences in the community, provide <br /> a recommended rank ordering of those needs that in their <br /> best judgment, the County should address and try to fulfill . <br /> The rationale for this determination shall be set forth. <br /> 7. These Priority Setting Committees shall also determine any <br /> gaps , duplication or overlap in a) services provided, <br /> b) clientele served, or c) area served. The rationale for <br /> this determination shall be set forth. <br /> The Chairperson and the Project Coordinator agree to assume respon- <br /> sibility for the presentation of a final report encompassing the above <br /> stated information. <br /> The Chairperson and the Project Coordinator agree to develop and <br /> present a preliminary report to the Human Services Advisory Commission <br /> • / / <br /> and County no later than " . Following review and <br /> comment by the HSAC a final report shall be provided no later than <br /> The County agrees to provide through the Human Services Advisory <br /> Commission and the County staff such assistance and*supOort as may be <br /> necessary to complete the data gathering phase of the needs assessment. <br /> This shall include free and ready access to all pertinent information in <br /> County funded agencies. <br />