Orange County NC Website
egr- is- - <br /> CoNf loo JTt.4�„ <br /> Burnstudio, Raleigh, North Carolina <br /> This firm has had extensive experience in the area of renovation and expansion <br /> of courthouse facilities. Presently they are involved in this type project with Le- <br /> noir County and Chatau County. When contacted, these counties expressed a great deal <br /> of satisfaction with the work Burnstudio has done for them. In addition, this firm <br /> conducted the 1976 North Carolina Courthouse study, 100 courthouses, <br /> Burnstudio recommends the following: emergency exits, fire stairs, handicap <br /> ramps, an elevator, adequate and accessible public toilets, separate heating, venal-. <br /> lation and airconditioning systems for the courthouse, removal of all exposed piping <br /> and conduit, repair of the roof and overall general renovation in spirit with the <br /> historical significance of the building and building code requirements, <br /> Peloquin Associates, Chapel Hill, North Carolina <br /> Peloquin Associates has been involved in the recent renovations of buildings on <br /> the Winston-Salem and Fayetteville State University campuses. Discussions with these <br /> two institutions show that they are well pleased with this firm's services. Prior <br /> experience has centered around residencies, condominiums and office buildings, often <br /> designed with energy conserving features. <br /> Major aspects of the renovation proposed by Peloquin Associates center around <br /> bringing the courthouse up to building code standards, while at the same time pre- <br /> serving its historical nature. Besides general needs such as painting, repairing in= <br /> ternal shutters, new electrical wiring, new heating and airconditioning, this firm re- <br /> commends three other items that must be included to meet fire safety and handicap <br /> access requirements, They are, new exterior stairway, an elevator and new bathrooms, <br />