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<br /> Report on the Orange County Road Naming Program
<br /> ed) . .. ,
<br /> . . ,
<br /> (1) A Road Naming Advisory Committee 1.‘ould be appointed by the..
<br /> Carmissiorers. 1-trnhership at this Committee lead be open
<br /> to the public with a special effort made to recruit emergency . ..- _ .
<br /> and postal service representatives. Ti e Ccarnitteeis charge
<br /> would be to propose official names for all public, state- . .
<br /> maintained roads. ..
<br /> (2) The Committee will research road names shown on Orange County
<br /> Tax Maps and the Department of Transportation State Road List.
<br /> (3) The Carmittee will conduct Local Information Meetings to pro-
<br /> vide citizens the opportunity to suggest road names and comment
<br /> on names proposed by the Committee.
<br /> (4) Road name petitions will be made available to property owners
<br /> who would like to suggest names for the roads on which their
<br /> property fronts. Petitions will be available tonight to ..
<br /> property owners who have alternative names to suggest.
<br /> (5) The Commissioners will hold several Public Hearings to review
<br /> the Carmittee.'s road name proposals and for the adoption of
<br /> official road names.
<br /> (6) Official road names will be published on a map and will be
<br /> made available to the public.
<br /> (7) Road name signs will be installed in August 1981 and gradually
<br /> ....
<br /> • throughout the first of 1982.
<br /> .•
<br /> . -
<br /> Section 4: PROCESS REPORT
<br /> The County has used CETA funds for the hiring of laborers to erect the
<br /> signs with a part time County employee as the supervisor. The procedure is
<br /> to install. the sign poles, then erect the road name blades. Presently, 95%
<br /> of the sign poles have been installed at the street intersections. On.e.-third
<br /> to one-half of the blades have been erected on the poles., There remains •
<br /> 45-60 signs that must still be ordered from the State.
<br /> .. .
<br /> The Department of Transportation has included. several County roads to
<br /> its system. The Orange County Road Naming Advisory Committee has now pre-
<br /> pared Road Name Recouver.dations for these roads in addition to the public
<br /> state maintained'roads remaining to be named totaling 27. Also, included
<br /> are recorreendations for public non-state maintained roads.
<br /> Section 5: ROAD NAVE RE7CalvaiDATIaNS - PUBLIC STATE leneerelloillED ROADS
<br /> . .
<br /> Consistent with N.C. General. Statutes 153A-239 and 240 and the Policies
<br /> and Procedures to Guide the Orange County Road Naming, adopted by the Board ........'
<br /> of Corrmissioners, the Orange County Road Naming Advisory Committee recommends
<br /> the following names for the Count-.y. s public, state maintained roads:
<br /> Canted
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