Orange County NC Website
/if frr <br /> 71.4 <br /> 620 <br /> AGENQA ATI'AC'r1MF1V'1' 5 <br /> DIVISION OF <br /> North Carolina Department FOREST RESOURCES <br /> J. =.��, of Natural <br /> r� •` ` • Ralph C.Winkworth,Director <br /> Resources &Community Development <br /> e elopment Boa 27687.Pales}ti 27811 <br /> James B. Hunt..Jr-Governor Howard N Lee.Secretary Te1ephana9197332152 <br /> Phone; 919/732-8105 Route 13, Box 186-1A <br /> Hillsborough, N. C. 27278 <br /> September 18, 1981 <br /> Ms. Anne Barnes, Chair <br /> Orange County Commissioners <br /> 106 East Margaret Lane <br /> Hillsborough, North Carolina 27278 <br /> Dear Ms. Barnes: <br /> I wish to acknowledge and thank you for your letter of September <br /> 16, 1981, and I appreciate the opportunity to outline Orange County's <br /> forestry activities, <br /> I have been with the North Carolina Forest Service since 1972 and <br /> was promoted to Orange County Ranger in 1974. We feel we have an <br /> outstanding program. I will not go into financial records as the <br /> County is sent a financial report as to how County money is spent <br /> each month. If these reports have been lost or misplaced, I can <br /> obtain copies for you. <br /> Orange County's forestry personnel consists of a County Ranger, <br /> Assistant County Ranger, Equipment Operator, and a Forest Manage- <br /> ment Secretary, The County pays 40% of the salary of the County <br /> Ranger for twelve months, the Assistant for twelve months, the <br /> Equipment Operator for four months, and the Forest Management Sec- <br /> retary for two months. A Service Forester provided by State funds <br /> located in our District Office works in Orange County one day per <br /> week, also. Fortunately, our District Office which services the <br /> eight counties in our District is located in Orange County just <br /> outside of Hillsborough. This is convenient for us, and we have <br /> access to a Field Forester, District Ranger, Special Projects <br /> Ranger, Management Aid, Mechanic, Airplane Pilot, and any other <br /> state Forestry personnel stationed at the District Office or across <br /> the state, if needed. <br /> Our duties are divided into three major categories. These are <br /> Forest Fire Control, Forest Management, and Forest Pest Control, <br /> FIRE CONTROL <br /> The County Ranger, Assistant County Ranger, and Equipment Operator <br /> are on call for fire duty during fire season, which is usally five <br /> months in the spring and three months in the fall, twenty-four hours <br /> a day, seven days per week. We both have fire call scanners in our <br /> homes and trucks and a monitor that can be carried on our belts that <br />