Orange County NC Website
46c <br /> J A M E S M _ WEBS , A I A - A . L P . <br /> A R C H I T E C T P L A N N E R • <br /> MEMBER AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS AND AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF PLANNERS <br /> 201 E + 3 i .: r., ' ' 4Y S T. <br /> C H A P E L H I L L. N. C 2 7 5 1 <br /> TELEP H O N E 9 2 9 . 6 8 5 <br /> PROPOSAL FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES <br /> FOR NORTHSIDE MULTI-PURPOSE CENTER REMODELING <br /> PHASE 1. SURVEY/PROGRAMMING/ SCHEMATIC DESIGN <br /> SCOPE: <br /> Measure existing building, prepare Drawings - <br /> Examine in detail existing structural, mechanical and architectural <br /> conditions <br /> Analyze floor area use based on present occupancy <br /> Determine program requirements of various agencies housed <br /> Establish program, space allocation for anticipated occupancies <br /> List improvements required to remedy deficiencies and to support <br /> anticipated uses and to promote operating efficiency <br /> Prepare schedule for long-range improvements program and recommend <br /> appropriate sequence for implementation <br /> Prepare preliminary cost estimates <br /> Review program with Owner <br /> Estimated Time for Phase 1. 30 days <br /> Fee Allocation for Phase 1. 257. of total <br /> PHASE 2. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT <br /> SCOPE: <br /> Review program and proposed budget with Owner and Agencies served <br /> Coordinate project with code and zoning requirements and secure <br /> approvals from appropriate regulatory agencies <br />