Orange County NC Website
15 <br />From: C. N. Edwards [] <br />Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 1:08 PM <br />To: Eddie Kirk <br />Cc: Tasha N. Johnson, P.E. <br />Subject: Proposed Carramore Subdivision on Kerly Road <br />Eddie, <br />Per your request this office has reviewed the plans sealed and dated 12/15/2006 for the <br />proposed Carramore subdivision (formerly Neilsen Place) located on SR 1717, Kerley Road. <br />As you have noted, the majority of the subdivision is located in Durham County with the <br />entrance located in Orange County. The project falls within two separated NCDOT districts <br />thus involving two District Engineers. We will work with our peers in Division 5 to help <br />meet the Counties' and Developers needs. We are providing the following general comments <br />regarding the plan submittal: <br />1. The proposed roadway connection on Kerley Road has been investigated and determined to <br />be located to provide adequate intersection sight distance and has been determined to be <br />acceptable. The traffic impact assessment provided by The Prescott Company, LLC lacks <br />detail regarding the traffic impacts during the AM and PM peak hours, but does provide <br />sufficient information to determine that the NCDOT turn lane warrants are not met for this <br />access point. The Developer must obtain an approved driveway permit from this office prior <br />to performing work within the NCDOT right of way. An approved driveway permit will be <br />issued upon receipt of approved plans, $50.00 inspection fee, and any necessary <br />performance bonds. <br />2. Since the internal subdivision roads lie within Durham County, the design and <br />construction of the roads are subject to review and approval of NCDOT District Engineer <br />Tasha Johnson. I would suggest that Ms. Johnson be contacted for further comments. <br />1 <br />