Minutes 09-08-2016
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-08-2016
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Last modified
10/5/2016 8:43:15 AM
Creation date
10/5/2016 8:30:25 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 09-08-2016 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2016\Agenda - 09-08-2016 - Work Session
Agenda - 09-08-2016 - 1 - Discussion of the Proposed Orange County FY 2016 - 2020 Affordable Housing Strategic Plan
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2016\Agenda - 09-08-2016 - Work Session
Agenda - 09-08-2016 - 2 - Greene Tract Historical Information and Options
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2016\Agenda - 09-08-2016 - Work Session
Agenda - 09-08-2016 - 3 - General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance Policy
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4 <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said a program called Brush of Kindness, run by Habitat for <br /> Humanity, typically provides improvements to the exterior of a home. She said the Rebuilding <br /> Together program, also run by Habitat, involves more substantial rehabilitation. She said <br /> these units are not at risk of going offline. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the programs just mentioned are different from the <br /> County's urgent repair and rehab program. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said the Rebuilding Together program does similar work. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the funds budgeted by Orange County are included <br /> here. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said this does not include County funds. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if the housing locator position could be explained, and <br /> how it is different from Mr. Strowd, who was hired a few years ago. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said a normal housing locator usually works in conjunction <br /> with a homeless program and goes out to identify housing for hard to place residents. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley clarified that Commissioner Jacobs is talking about the scope of <br /> services that changed in the 2016-17 budget for Mr. Strowd's focus. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said Mr. Strowd's expertise is economic development and <br /> working for homeowners, and he is working to increase home ownership numbers. He is <br /> currently working with lenders for residents who are ready to be homeowners. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said Mr. Strowd's focus shifted under the County's guidance, and <br /> is better using his expertise. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked if there is a reason behind the number of 1,000 units over <br /> 5 years. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said this was determined by looking at how many homes have <br /> been brought on line historically countywide with their housing providers, and trying to widen <br /> the partnerships. She said the 1,000 units will not be sufficient, but the examination of various <br /> factors determined the number. She said the number is 10% of the cost burden. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if Audrey Spencer Horsley could talk about her collaboration <br /> with the Towns, and what the future looks like with these partners. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said the HOME program is one example of multijurisdictional <br /> collaboration. She said the County has already been collaborating with the Towns, but it is <br /> hoped that it will be a more formalized partnership. She said one of the challenges has been <br /> trying to find places where the housing vouchers will be accepted. She said it is important to <br /> involve the elected officials in all jurisdictions. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a way to include the Towns' strategic plans in an <br /> overarching strategic plan for the County. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said she would like for all jurisdictions to get together, look at <br /> the pools of funding, and sew the funding streams together to be used more effectively for <br /> affordable housing clients. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said once an action plan is adopted, and with the expanding <br /> scope of the HOME consortium, which includes elected officials and staff from all jurisdictions, <br /> there will be greater collaboration. She said the strategic affordable housing plan should be <br /> reviewed and updated annually, and then reviewed by the Affordable Housing Advisory Board. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to slide number 6, which discusses current and planned <br /> units. He said Chapel Hill Public Housing is listed, which is appropriate, but it is different from <br /> the other organizations. He said the Section 8 Housing voucher program should be added to <br /> this list as well. <br /> Audrey Spencer Horsley said this can be done. <br />
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