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13 <br /> 5. Rename the property to recognize the headwaters of Bolin Creek, Booker Creek and Old <br /> Field Creek. <br /> As a result of the Inter Local Agreement, 60 acres of the Greene Tract was conveyed to <br /> Orange County for "Solid Waste management purposes". <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said they would be giving some historical information on the <br /> Greene Tract, and then move into some of the activities that are currently taking place. <br /> Craig Benedict said there has been a multi-jurisdictional work group that has met over <br /> 30 times, and the initial priority was to get the sewer system into the design phase. He said <br /> the objective tonight is to talk about the green infrastructure on this parcel. He said presently <br /> the property is 164 acres, purchased by the Solid Waste Entity. He said when the property <br /> was transferred to the County in 1998; 104 acres fell under the joint ownership of the County, <br /> Chapel Hill and Carrboro. He said a 60-acre parcel remained as a Solid Waste asset, with <br /> some other criteria on what the future use could be. He reviewed a few maps outlining the <br /> area. <br /> Craig Benedict said there was a multijurisdictional task force that worked to develop <br /> some of the future uses of the 104 acres. He said this task force passed a resolution in 2002 <br /> stating that roughly 18 acres of the site next to the Rogers Road Neighborhood could be used <br /> for affordable housing, and roughly 85 acres would be held in open space. He said of the 104 <br /> acres there is a somewhat isolated 5-acre parcel near the railroad tracks. He continued to <br /> review portions of the area on the maps. He showed various utilities within this acreage and <br /> areas that will be served by them. He said overall this site separates into three watersheds: <br /> Old Field Creek flowing to the north, Bowling Creek, and Booker Creek. He said these three <br /> watersheds makes running sewer difficult, as it is placed in watershed drainage-ways. <br /> Craig Benedict said another issue to consider is the reevaluation of the work done <br /> since 2000. He said a cultural and archeological analysis is being completed, including <br /> existing maps, photographs, and face-to-face conversations; with newer technology being <br /> used to identify wetlands, stream buffers, and the like. He said all of this information will <br /> inform this evening's discussion and decisions on how to move forward with this land. <br /> Craig Benedict made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> Greene Tract <br /> Board of County Commissioners Work Session <br /> Southern Human Services Center <br /> September 8, 2016 <br /> Item 2 <br /> Objective <br /> • Brief ownership history of the tract with green and gray infrastructure aspects as a <br /> backdrop to discussing options for future use/preservation of the lands. <br /> • Method <br /> — Briefing then facilitation/outcomes <br /> Outline <br /> • Background <br /> (Including Ownership/Multiple Subtracts/Land Use) <br /> • Environmental/Cultural Features <br /> They are fine-tuning these features. <br /> • Infrastructure <br />