Orange County NC Website
MEMO TO: County Commissioners <br />FROM: Kathy Battern <br />DATE: June 21, 1981 <br />SUBJECT: Budget Update <br />Attached please find a list of changes recommended by the Commissioners. <br />The final analysis is as follows: <br />Tax Base $1,785,000,000 <br />Collection Rate 97% <br />It = $173,145 <br />A projected summary of final adjustments is as follows: <br />GENERAL FUND <br />Budget Run 6/18/81 Changes Not Included Adjusted Total <br />Revenues- <br />($16,241,657) ($50,000) ($16,291,657) <br />Expenditures - <br />16,804,354 298,577 16,505,777 <br />$ 214,120 <br />Our current estimated budget will have a fund balance unappropriated to <br />apply to the recommended 1981 -82 budget of $582,581. <br />The adjusted recommended 1981 -82 budget requires an appropriated fund <br />balance of $214,120. This allows $388,345 to reduce the tax rate further <br />if the Commissioners so choose. <br />Therefore, the tax rate with the attached items would bring the tax rate <br />to 53.74¢. <br />