Agenda - 06-16-1981
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-16-1981
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Last modified
10/5/2016 8:25:38 AM
Creation date
10/5/2016 8:25:20 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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PROPOSED BUDGET FOR ORANGE COUNTY <br />1981 -82 <br />Submitted to the County Commissioners on 6/16/81 <br />Orange County Courthouse Hillsborough, NC <br />Proposed Budget County Commissioner - $10,063,430 <br />(Property Tax Revenues) $16,725,396 <br />(Citizens Proposed Budget Approved $ 8,981,955 <br />10.7% decrease <br />Saving in Property Taxes $ 1,081,475 <br />Tax Rate 51.2 cents <br />per hundred <br />Budget Proposal Philosophy: The thrust of the county commissioners to <br />heavily tax the citizens of Orange County by property taxes needs to be halted. <br />The author firmly believes that this proposed budget is a budget supported by <br />the majority of Orange County citizens and taxpayers and it has not been <br />subjected to any pressure groups or any emotional, issues that so often surrounds <br />the courthouse at budget time. If the trend of increasing government in <br />Orange County prevails, the cost incurred will be devastating. Many people <br />on fixed income, low income families and middle Americans will be unable to <br />weather the burden. For many of us, taxation through our land is a harsh <br />tax and the return that is afforded us by the Orange County government can <br />never be equitable. <br />I would like all the county commissioners to look back on the 1981 -82 <br />budget and be proud that it was their decision to stop the socialistic trends <br />our county has acquired, uutt a halt to large government and unnecessary <br />agencies throughout the county. A few years ago, we the citizens voted to <br />spend approximately $2 million on capital improvement for a jail and Grady <br />Brown. This proposed budget 1981 -82 by the county commissioners still reflects <br />more money to complete the capital building programs. Many of us realize that <br />we made a mistake when voting to give the county commissioners the money to <br />improve facilities for all we have now is more government and more bureaucracy <br />and an ever - increasing tax burden to cover the escalating governmental agencies. <br />This budget is submitted in good faith and recommended that you fully <br />implement all of its budget cuts so we can start to make Orange County govern- <br />ment efficient cost wise as I believe the majority of the taxpayers request. <br />
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