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4 <br /> County is not in agreement, the thirty-day review period is still in <br /> effect. Also, in Section 2 .6.D, Ms. Andresen noted that no one is <br /> precluded from making recommended changes. <br /> JEF submitted a statement which was read by Chair Marshall. <br /> That statement is attached to these minutes. <br /> RANDY DANZIGER , Resident of Calvander, indicated he was impressed that a <br /> final agreement was close to being signed, but expressed a concern that <br /> there was insufficient restrictive language in the Land Use Plan to <br /> restrict development in the watershed. He asked that the Boards get <br /> clear opinions from at least two disinterested counsels that the <br /> ordinance modifications and agreements presented will indeed prevent <br /> development in the watershed. He expressed support for the fifteen-day <br /> minimum period for passing judgment on an amendment. He felt this was <br /> adequate time for citizen concerns to be presented. He also requested <br /> that the line running from the Calvander intersection back to Carrboro <br /> city limits be shifted to the edge of the Hillsborough Road right-of-way <br /> or to the center line of the road. He felt this could prevent future <br /> conflict for the area between Carrboro city limits and Calvander. <br /> JAMES PORTO , Mayor of Carrboro, stated that the Boards had issued <br /> resolutions to initiate a moratorium on water/sewer extensions until such <br /> time as the OWASA watershed study is completed. He noted that his Board <br /> had requested that letters be sent to the other governmental Boards <br /> asking that a moratorium also be placed on community septic systems and <br /> package treatment plants in the watershed. This would place a moratorium <br /> on large-scale development in the watershed. <br /> JAMES E. PLYMIRE commended the Boards for their perseverance in <br /> developing a Joint Planning Agreement. He indicated the dividing line on <br /> Rogers Road could create an inefficiency for the controlling <br /> jurisdiction. <br /> ROGER POPE President of Fox Meadow Subdivision, indicated he preferred <br /> to remain in the Rural Buffer and felt it senseless to have two city <br /> limits so near to each other. He felt annexation was definitely the next <br /> step for Carrboro and indicated that it was preferable to be annexed by <br /> Chapel Hill. He expressed concern with fire and police protection if Fox <br /> Meadow came under the jurisdiction of Carrboro and his opposition to <br /> becoming a part of Carrboro, emphasizing the proximity of Chapel Hill <br /> High School. His first choice would be to remain in the Rural Buffer and <br /> his second choice would be to be annexed by Chapel Hill. <br /> TOM GURGANUS , Carrboro Board of Aldermen, stated that the school <br /> referenced by Mr. Pope and other Fox Meadow residents was the Chapel <br /> Hill/Carrboro high school even though the name Chapel Hill High School <br /> does not reflect that. Chair Marshall responded that this is true. The <br /> Chapel Hill High School is the high school for the Chapel Hill/Carrboro <br /> City School District. <br /> DENISE KENNIHAN , Fox Meadow Resident, indicated she had the same <br /> concerns of other Fox Meadow residents. Her preference, other than <br /> remaining in the Rural Buffer, would be to be part of the Transition Area <br /> of Chapel Hill. She preferred to keep her Chapel Hill address. <br /> R. D. SMITH , Chapel Hill Town Council member, asked about the <br /> feasibility of redrawing the boundary lines as requested by the Fox <br />