Orange County NC Website
4 <br />SECTION TWO <br />LIMITATION TO DESCRIBED PURPOSE <br />Licensee shall only permit jurors and court employees to utilize the Parking <br />Spaces. Licensee shall provide jurors and court employees with parking tags to hang on <br />the rear view mirror of their vehicles to indicate that they are authorized to park in the <br />Parking Spaces. The hang tag shall include an "issue date" so that Licensor and Licensee <br />may track abandoned or improperly parked vehicle. Licensor may require that Licensee <br />tow any abandoned vehicles located in the Parking Spaces at the effort and expense of <br />Licensee. <br />SECTION TF[REE <br />PERIODIC PAYMENTS <br />Licensee shall pay Licensor for this license at the rate of One Dollar ($1.00) per <br />year payable in advance. <br />SECTION FOUR <br />TERM & TERI~~IINATION <br />This License Agreement shall be valid for a period of two (2) years beginning on <br />April 1, 2007. Licensor and Licensee agree to discuss extending this initial two year term <br />should the justice facility not be fully constructed prior to the natural expiration of the <br />two year period. <br />Either party may terminate this License Agreement at any time, without regard to <br />payment periods by giving written notice to the other specifying the date of termination. <br />Licensor and Licensee shall use their best efforts to provide the other party a minimum of <br />thirty (30) days prior written notice of its intent to terminate this Agreement. <br />SECTION FIVE <br />LICENSEE CONTACT <br />Licensee hereby provides Licensor with the contact information of two (2) <br />individuals that Licensor may contact during regular business hours to address any and <br />all immediate issues that may arise in regard to this License Agreement. <br />Name Telephone Number Email Address <br />Name <br />Telephone Number Email Address <br />4 <br />