Orange County NC Website
PAGE 2 <br /> WHEREAS, said Board of Commissioners has carefully examined the facts and has <br /> determined and does hereby find as a fact that the statements made in said <br /> resolutions are true and that it has become the duty of said Board of <br /> Commissioners, acting as an administrative agent of the State in providing a State <br /> system of public schools, to order the issuance of bonds of the County of Orange so <br /> that the school facilities mentioned in said resolutions and in paragraph 1 of this <br /> order may be provided in order to maintain the nine months' school term in the <br /> County of Orange as required by Section 2 of Article IX of the Constitution; now, <br /> therefore, <br /> BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange: <br /> 1. That, pursuant to The Local Government Bond Act, as amended, and in order <br /> to maintain the nine months' school term in the County of Orange as required by <br /> Section 2 of Article IX of the Constitution, the County of Orange, North Carolina, <br /> is hereby authorized to contract a debt, in addition to any and all other debt <br /> which said County may now or hereafter have power or authority to contract, and in <br /> evidence thereof to issue School Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not <br /> exceeding $22,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds, with any other available <br /> funds, for erecting additional school buildings and other school plant facilities, <br /> remodeling, enlarging and reconstructing existing school buildings and other school <br /> plant facilities, acquiring any necessary land, furnishings and equipment therefore <br /> and developing such land, in order to provide additional school facilities in said <br /> County. <br /> 2. That taxes shall be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of <br /> and the interest on said bonds. <br /> 3. That a sworn statement of the debt of said County has been filed with the <br /> Clerk to the Board of Commissioners for said County and is open to public <br /> inspection. <br /> 4. That this order shall take effect when approved by the voters of said <br /> County at a referendum as provided in said Act. <br /> ORDER AUTHORIZING $7,000,000 <br /> PUBLIC BUILDING BONDS <br /> BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners for the County of Orange: <br /> 1. That, pursuant to The Local Government Bond Act, as amended, the County of <br /> Orange, North Carolina, is hereby authorized to contract a debt, in addition to any <br /> and all other debt which said County may now or hereafter have power or authority <br /> to contract, and in evidence thereof to issue Public Building bonds in an aggregate <br /> principal amount not exceeding $7,000,000 for the purpose of providing funds, with <br /> any other available funds, for enlarging, expanding and improving public buildings <br /> and facilities of said County, including the construction of additional buildings <br /> and additions to existing buildings to provide additional space for administrative <br /> and governmental functions and services, the construction of related access and <br /> parking facilities and the acquisition of necessary land, rights of way and <br /> equipment. <br /> 2. That taxes shall be levied in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of <br /> and the interest on said bonds. <br />