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L <br /> by the procedures contained in Article 20 of this <br /> • Ordinance. 056 <br /> Principal amendments shall only be considered once each <br /> year at the quarterly joint public hearing in February. <br /> Secondary amendments may be considered four (4 ) times <br /> each year at the quarterly Joint public hearings in <br /> February, May, August, and November. <br /> No proposed amendment is to be considered in conjunction <br /> with a rezoning, planned development or special use <br /> permit request for the same property. Requests for a <br /> rezoning, planned development and/or special use permit <br /> may only be considered at subsequent hearings or <br /> meetings following approval of the proposed amendment to <br /> the Comprehensive Plan . <br /> Article 22 - Definitions <br /> Comprehensive Plan An internally consistent and compatible <br /> statement of policies for the long term, physical <br /> development of that portion of Orange County under <br /> County Jurisdiction, consisting of a statement of <br /> development policies and maps and text setting forth <br /> objectives, principles, standards and plan proposals for <br /> physical development. The Comprehensive Plan is be <br /> comprised of the following individual elements: <br /> a) A land use element which designates the general <br /> distribution, location, and extent of the uses of <br /> land for housing, business, industry, open space, <br /> education, public buildings and grounds, and other <br /> categories of public and private uses. <br /> b ) A transportation element which identifies the <br /> general location and extent of existing and <br /> proposed major highways, scenic roads, railroads, <br /> transit routes and facilities, bikeways and <br /> pedestrian facilities, airports, and other public <br /> and private transportation facilities. <br /> c) A housing element which contains an evaluation of <br /> housing problems and sets forth a program to <br /> alleviate unmet needs, including standards and <br /> plans for the improvement of housing and the <br /> provision of adequate sites for. housing. <br /> ing. <br /> d) An open space element which identifies the <br /> location and extent of existing and proposed open <br /> space for the preservation of natural resources, <br /> the managed production of resources, outdoor <br /> recreation, and public health and safety . <br /> e) A recr eatiQn element which designates a system of <br /> areas and public sites for recreation, including <br /> parks and playgrounds, recreational trails, and <br /> other similar areas. <br /> f ) An economic development element which contains an <br /> analysis of the local economy and projections of <br />