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. surface and underground water resources, soil resources,O Jr <br /> and natural growth resources of the county and the <br /> efficient use of the renewable and non-renewable sources <br /> of energy. <br /> 2.2. 13 Lomprehensive Plan Adoption <br /> The Board of Commissioners upon receipt of a recommended <br /> Comprehensive Plan and portions thereof from the <br /> Planning Board shall consider such recommendations and <br /> adopt them by resolutions, either unchanged or with <br /> modifications. <br /> Prior to adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Board <br /> of Commissioners shall hold a public hearing thereon. <br /> Notice of the public hearing shall be iven by <br /> publishing said notice at least twice in a newspaper of <br /> general circulation in Orange County, stating the time <br /> and place of such hearing, and the substance of the <br /> proposed plan . This notice shall appear in said <br /> newspaper for two successive weeks with the first notice <br /> appearing not less than fifteen days nor more than <br /> twenty-five days before the date set for the public <br /> hearing. <br /> 2 .2 . 14 <br /> Proposed amendments to the adopted Comprehensive Plan, <br /> if not initiated by the Planning Board, shall be <br /> referred to it by the Board of Commissioners for <br /> recommendation. The Planning Board shall have sixty <br /> days from the date of referral in which to make such <br /> recommendation. Failure to make a recommendation within <br /> the sixty day period shall be considered approval of the <br /> proposed amendment by the Planning Board . <br /> — Adoption of all amendments to the adopted Comprehensive <br /> Plan shall be made only after a public hearing with <br /> notice as specified in 2.2 . 13 . <br /> Article 22 - Definitions <br /> Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan, maps, <br /> and descriptive matter, task foce plats, <br /> reports, and <br /> o f f i c i a l statements which are o f f i c i a l l y approved <br /> by resolution of the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners. The plan shall address in whole or <br /> part such things as the general location, <br /> character, extent of streets, bridges, boulevards, <br /> parkways, playgrounds, squares <br /> fields, and other public ways, grounds,pnrss' ndiaoion <br /> spaces; the general locationandextent ofdpublic <br /> utilities and terminals, whether publicly or <br /> privately owned or operated, for water, light, <br /> sanitation, transportation, communication, power, <br /> and other purposes; the removal , relocation, <br /> widening, narrowing, vacating, abandonment, change <br /> of use, or extension of any of the most desirable <br /> pattern of land use within the area, <br /> areas for residential uses, for farming and <br />