Orange County NC Website
02 <br /> SECTION IV. VISTA VOLUNTEER ASSIGNMENT <br /> VISTA Volunteer assignments require a full-time, full-year commitment. VISTA Volunteers <br /> engaging in any employment while in service. During the recruitment process, the sponsoring <br /> sponsor's responsibilities to the Volunteer as well as the terms and conditions of VISTA serviceecrs arc prohibited by Inv, from <br /> 'Ilrc VISTA Volunteer Assignment Description is used to recruit and inform organization must discuss the <br /> performed in the VISTA project. Volunteers Description is used to the pxrtcnlial volunteers for specific <br /> follow in achieving the goals and objectives of the project. project will use the Assignment Description as asm jar guide to <br /> • <br /> INSTRUCTIONS <br /> These instructions will help you to develop Volunteer Assignment Descriptions. Please note that you must complete a separate <br /> Assignment Description for each different Volunteer assignment (whether Performed b <br /> Reproduce additional copies of the form as needed. paratc <br /> by one volunteer or a group of volunteers). <br /> 1 <br /> (I) Self-explanatory.6).Self-explanatory. <br /> ! (2) Indicate the geographic area(s) this assignment will serve (e.g., Washington and Wald <br /> (4) Each VISTA Volunteer Assignment Description must Waldo Counties,southern i`lainc). <br /> Objectives) and the corresponding problem statement. specifically relate to the Project Work Plan <br /> (5) Describe the sponsoring organization, its purpose (Goals and <br /> (6) List rib responsibilities th g g P rT�e and programs; <br /> ojc (tasks and activities) of the Volunteer(s) ork under lthis assignment in a <br /> objectives or the VISTA Project Work flan. <br /> (7) Describe the kinds of skills and qualifications needed by a achieving the <br /> included in the Work Plan. If a Volunteer must have specific skills or credentials, list them;Y potential Volunteer to accomplish the tasks/activities <br /> (8) Federal law requires that VISTA sponsors make reasonable accotnmodations to the <br /> persons wishing to serve as VIS'T'A Volunteers. Indicate any factors ACTION should b e g.must speak (loon( Spanish. <br /> persons w to this project,e ve such as availability needs of assigning disabled bled <br /> y of transportation and housing, c aware of when assigning disablccl etc. <br /> 1\'U'1'1s: Volt must complete a scpnrnlc nsslgnmcnt description for accCSSihilit <br /> N'hcn AC'1'I, selects s to a'A arnte °r for this nest different ofpe of Vs, int <br /> p tech t giv t type n eer a Cop assignment. <br /> Form for use nt the ACTION pre-scr.lce orientation.assignment, you must give the Volunteer a ropy of this <br /> SAMPLE '. f" :1 .- ., • <br /> �Nry a .r <br /> ill <br /> •' lam• l k'•' rh° Voro~ r`~ •„.::,----;:---t ,t � ti� q°^' r�ERASSIMENr 5 <br /> • <br /> •' 4. % r•. J otter ! w°i`n"y,ac I <br /> •f...,,r r hu !° bran, eft,* *-44..• `M`r�. r�"H'dl <br /> ' f .' '•.� t: !� tead., ° e to�t�r Jttd tJta wJJr ~beW- . . . "..,...t + _ )yJ eehOb�y °I;-;7!4'tae.,d•rdnaJe her i <br /> ' er PUN rhtee r,ne�d F a�•ry�Pnd�l �n� d°"'Pi";vot :Id r ' <br /> r °loot Youth a c°�,Jd c° °Jeq Pr Of pi. i ; <br /> i - a ee)v.........y tJr AJwcOry9t�,te aJ! loote add teak tOree <br /> • i;•' auto / le ea n and 1409,74t: to 1 % <br /> ,•i >.rM...,,.,,rn���•rJe.��r9ary�fs+t'on�:onit�h �tdui!9ronp � to���� 9nt <br /> The Pt ~N�•'Now... Joq+�nlny re• cneygt'nl <br /> '' nt Joe rr°!! r�b a 4 �•'ne�r. +°d oe p Ith yod,�se <br /> • <br /> a as <br /> '.r 7IJ pals inc.. n hark. JJJe and cetneduth-nit' you• <br /> r•: <br /> the P 1vYJedyethe archnaoY the 9uaJJFleetl <br /> and ab111 to and r anA anitet jo J ae robrema one are • <br /> to + ty t° PubllecJdr eryr cot,nJt are r / i <br /> 3. • .: An �d°ce <br /> Peak ber°r n Jc t!t°t lcrJenee ant the JtAe ant <br />•'�• l• , •, ,e i'.{.. to atJo.rJlg �,d;�d i F or 9r°"Pa r Mbar JyJ•eyJ"dJrlduaJee/n r <br /> ',•; r •Jao d t able'n'IJv,d Jn yr J <br /> I <br /> . :.r,!: .T-.•• , ;., to4rtirl, • tatJ ad by+l^�ror}edt/ns. <br /> ; '~*� NM + a r'- .., rt 4*vr.•v <br /> / • <br /> ~"'V Fate A-1421(pev.747) <br /> Page 8 <br />