Orange County NC Website
ADMINISTRATIVE GOALS <br /> SECTION IV <br /> PROJECT WORK PLAN <br /> Column A <br /> Column 8 Column C <br /> GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Planned period of <br /> OF PROJECT Work and ACTUAL PROJECT ACCOMPLISHMENTS <br /> Accomplishment (This column to be completed only when <br /> GOAL I I submitting ACTION project progress report) <br /> To maintain the RSVP program at 475 vol- <br /> unteers who will provide 58, 000 manhours <br /> of service to meet specified basic human <br /> needs of Orange County through assignments <br /> to 50 volunteer stations during the 1988- <br /> 89 project year. The RSVP program will <br /> represent 5%D of the senior population <br /> of 9717. <br /> OBJECTIVES: <br /> No. Hours Hours Vol. <br /> w of Vols. per Cum. <br /> Stations <br /> Quarter <br /> 475 14, 000 50 July-Sept. 1988 <br /> 475 14, 200 28, 200 50 Oct.-Dec. 1988 <br /> 475 15, 600 43, 840 50 Jan.-March 1989 <br /> 475 14, 200 58, 000 50 April-Tune 1989 <br /> GOAL II <br /> To have an average federal cost per vol- <br /> unteer of $52. 16 and' per volunteer hour <br /> of $ . 43 for the 1988-89 project year. <br /> Vols Hours Federal Federal Cost Per <br /> Funds Vol Hour <br /> 475 14, 000 $6, 193 $13.04 $ . 44 <br /> 475 14, 50o 6, 194 $13.04 July-Sept. 1988 <br /> 475 25, 000 6, Z94 .04 . 43 Oct.-Dec. 1988 <br /> ° 475 Z4, 500 6, 194 $13.04 . 41 Jan.-March 1989 <br /> Cumulative $13.0 4 . 43 <br /> April--June 1989 <br /> 475 58,000 $24, 775 <br /> ° $52. 16 $ . 43 <br />