Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> member of the Recreation & Parks Advisory Council and Cedar <br /> Grove farmer. The first question is how or why private land <br /> can be taken for public use; secondly, Mrs . Compton <br /> referenced a meeting in the Cedar Grove area of the parks <br /> representatives and noted that no one at that meeting voted <br /> in favor of greenways . She continued explaining the concern <br /> regarding greenways in rural areas . She noted that wildlife <br /> is deprived of the undisturbed safe access to the water' s <br /> edge, farmlands are affected because the access for having <br /> and continued conservation is taken away by g <br /> the water' s edge no longer accessible for the farmer. She <br /> also stated that the landowner who desires to hunt or allow <br /> hunting on his property can no longer do so due to safety <br /> hazards. She asked who would monitor the greenways providing <br /> maintenance, mowing and general clean up. She continued <br /> posing questions about which Mr. Compton is concerned such as <br /> how the landowner would be protected when he provides <br /> greenway access to his property and, what incentives such as <br /> tax breaks are available to the landowners for the donation <br /> of lands. She suggested that the County purchase the land it <br /> needs for parks and greenways and leave the farmlands alone. <br /> While realizing that the rural areas will be affected by <br /> growth, let it come naturally and require greenways only as <br /> the residential development occurs . The conclusion of Mr. <br /> Compton' s concerns was that the natural habitat be preserved <br /> and greenways are not wanted or needed in the Cedar Grove <br /> area. The final comment regarding a meeting on the water <br /> critical issue was that it had been made very clear that the <br /> farmers did not own the water that was behind the dams on <br /> their farms, his comment is that no one else owns it either; <br /> the land is privately owned, how can it be taken for public <br /> use. --- <br /> James R. Smith, a resident of Bingham Township, presented a <br /> statement from the citizens of rural Orange County and <br /> submitted printed concerns to be entered into the public <br /> hearing record (an attachment as part of these minutes) . <br /> Mary Johnson indicated her concerns had been addressed and <br /> she would not speak at this time. <br /> Lynwood Hobgood stated he felt he could see disbelief and <br /> concern on the faces of those citizens present whose private <br /> property ownerships appear to be at the point of being <br /> invaded. He continued expressing concern with the present <br /> form of government and the possibility of what it may do. He <br /> expressed concern with the reasoning behind the formulation <br /> of the plan indicating that he felt those involved simply <br /> needed "something to do. " He also expressed concern with the <br /> projected cost of the twenty-year plan and the fear of under- <br /> estimation. He felt the only possible way the County could <br />