Orange County NC Website
AMENDMENTS TO THE RESOLUTION <br /> AND ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR THE <br /> CONTROL OF NOISE IN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BE IT ORDAINED that the Board of Commissioners of Orange County <br /> hereby amend the Resolution and Ordinance to Provide for the Control of Noise <br /> in Orange Cuonty in the following respects: <br /> Article V(2)(a) is amended to read as follows: <br /> (a) The applicant must apply for a permit at least forty-eight (48) <br /> hours prior to the activity for which the permit is requested. <br /> This forty-eight hour requirement shall not prohibit the issuance <br /> of a permit in situations where the application is received less <br /> than forty-eight hours prior to the activity, provided the <br /> application is made within enough time of the activity for the <br /> County Manager to consider the factors necessary and contained <br /> in Section V(2)(c) of this ordinance. <br /> Article V(2)(e) is amended to read is follows: <br /> (e) Permit holders agree to cooperate with the Orange County <br /> Sheriffs Department in enforcing this ordinance by having the <br /> applicant or the applicant's designee as indicated on the permit <br /> application available at the site of the event during the entire <br /> time for which a permit has been issued and agree to assist the <br /> Sheriff in enforcing this Ordinance. Failure of the applicant or <br /> designee of the applicant to be present or to assist the Sheriff <br /> as herein prescribed shall be cause for revocation of the permit. <br /> This Ordinance Amendment is effective upon its adoption. <br />