Agenda - 03-27-2007-5g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-27-2007
Agenda - 03-27-2007-5g
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8/29/2008 5:28:20 PM
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8/28/2008 11:28:24 AM
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2008-061 Health - NC Department of Health and Human Services
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
2008-061 Health - NC Department of Health and Human Services (2)
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20070327
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i~ <br />Consolidated Agreement -Final <br />Page 9 of l $ <br />October service month/ paid in November; and 6) November service month/paid either in December, or <br />before the ending date of that grant's settlement period. In this example the remaining 6 <br />service/payment months will be December service month/paid in January through May service <br />month/paid in June, 2007.) For each Grant, the budgetary estimate, funding authorization and <br />agreement addendum will have service/payment month dates listed <br />e. The Deparhnent shall submit the final LHD Expenditure Report (Electronic, via the Aid-to-Counties <br />Website) for all programs to the DHHS Controller's Office according to the schedule published annually. <br />in November or December for the next Calendar Year by the DHHS Controller's Office. The May <br />Services/Paid in June will be the final report period paid from the SFY. Services provided in <br />June and reported in July will be paid out of the next SFY. <br />f. The Department shall have the opportunity to submit amended expenditure reports as .soon as the error is <br />discovered. A DEPARTMENT SHOULD NOT WAIT TO SUBMIT ALL ADJUSTMENTS WITH <br />THE INVOICE SUBMITTED TO THE CONTROLLER'S OFFICE AT THE END OF MAY AS <br />THAT WILL NOT ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIlVIE FOR VERIFICATION OF THE ADJUSTMENTS <br />BEFORE THE LAST PAYMENT 1N THE STATE FISCAL YEAR. <br />1) In accordance with item 4.c, above, each department must be mindful to keep current on reporting <br />adjustments against federal funds to ensure such adjustment is received in time to be paid within the <br />grant period for that grant. <br />2) The Department shall review their prior reimbursement claims against payments monthly. <br />3) Amended reports must be submitted no later than the 2°d reporting date after the grant period ends in <br />order to be paid. (Example: if the grant period ends 9/30/06, the amended report must be received <br />by the Controller's Office no later than the 2"d reporting date after that - i.e., November's reporting <br />date.} <br />t:~ <br />4) The only adjustments, if any, that should be submitted with the May service expenditure report <br />submitted in June would be any missed on the prior month's claim. If a department waits until the <br />May service month expenditure report submission to report adjustments, the DHHS Controller's <br />Office cannot guarantee those adjustments can be verified in time for the June payment. <br />5) Any overpayments identified by either the State or the Department will be adjusted out of the next <br />month's claim for reimbursement by the DHHS Controller's Office. There is no provision to carry <br />forwazd funds from one State Fiscal Yeaz to another; therefore, any adjustment not included in the <br />June (or earlier if grant period expires during the fiscal year) payment should be paid from local <br />funds. If reported to the State as an adjustment, the payment will come from (and will therefore, <br />reduce) the allocation for the next fiscal year. <br />f. The Department shall submit requests for payment for services provided under l0A NCAC 45.A rules to <br />the Claims Processing Unit, Purchase of Medical Care Services, DHHS Controller's Office. <br />g. The Department shall submit requests for reimbursement for nurse training to the Public Health Nursing <br />and Professional Development Unit. Form 3300 -Public Health Nurse Training Activity must be used <br />as the invoice for payment. <br />5. The Department shall submit to the Women's and Children's Health Section, 1928 Mail Service Center, <br />Raleigh, NC 27699-1928 on an annual basis the Staff Time Activity Report - DPH 3389. This report is due <br />by July 20th. <br />
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