Agenda - 03-27-2007-5g
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-27-2007
Agenda - 03-27-2007-5g
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8/29/2008 5:28:20 PM
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8/28/2008 11:28:24 AM
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2008-061 Health - NC Department of Health and Human Services
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
2008-061 Health - NC Department of Health and Human Services (2)
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2008
Minutes - 20070327
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1~ <br />Consolidated Agreement -Final <br />Page 7 of 18 <br />d. Use of program income generated by the expenditure of Federal categorical funds will be governed by <br />applicable Federal regulations, including, but not limited to, 45 CFR 4. <br />e. Local Budgets for DHHS Reporting: <br />1) Afrer preparing Local Budgets for DHHS you must use the Allocation/County Line on the <br />Electronic Aid to Counties Website to show the approved local funding. <br />i Line item 101 on the Electronic Aid to Counties Website must be used to budget local <br />appropriations for each program activity, if applicable. <br />ii Line item 102 on the Electronic Aid to Counties Website must be used to budget TXDC <br />Medicaid earned revenues for each program activity, if applicable. <br />iii Line item 103 on the Electronic Aid to Counties Website must be used to budget other earned <br />revenues (e.g., Home Health fees, patient fees (cash), other insurance payments, and other <br />grants and donations) for each program activity, if applicable. <br />2) When preparing DE)VR Program Budgets: <br />i Line item 9000 on the program budget form must be used to budget the total of lines 101, 102, <br />and 103. <br />ii Line item 101 on the program budget form must be used to budget local County appropriations <br />for each program budget, if applicable. <br />iii Line item 102 on the program budget form is to be used to budget TX1X Medicaid earned <br />revenues for each program budget. However, environanental health programs should not have <br />any Medicaid to budget. <br />iv Lune item 103 on the program budget form must be used to budget other earned revenues (e.g., <br />.Environmental Health Fees, grants, donations, etc.) for each program, if applicable. <br />f. When reporting local expenditures (local appropriations, Medicaid or other earned revenues) the <br />department must use the electronic Aid-to-Counties Website to report the pertinent month's actual <br />expenditures. (NOTE that an "actual expenditure" is one for which the item has been ordered, received, <br />invoiced and the check has been cut.) The Expenditure Reports must be submitted monthly in the <br />electronic website format and certified in the website to the DHHS Controller's Office. <br />1) Line item 101 on the Electronic Aid-to-Counties Website must be used to report local appropriations <br />that•were expended on a monthly basis <br />2) Line item 102 on the Electronic Aid-to-Counties Website must be used to report Title XIX <br />(Medicaid) earned revenues that were expended on a monthly basis <br />3) Line item 103 an the Electronic Aid-to-Counties Website must be used to report other earned <br />revenues that were expended on a monthly basis. <br />g. A local account shall be maintained for unexpended earned revenues [i.e., Title XTX fees, private <br />insurance or private pay {cash}]. Accounts shall be maintained in sufficient detail to identify the <br />program source generating the fees. <br />h. The amount of Title XIX fees budgeted and expended in FY 2007-2008 must equal or exceed the <br />amount of Title X1X revenues earned during FY 2005-2006. The state. will not approve program <br />activity budgets that do not include an amount of Title X1X fees sufficient to meet the requirements of <br />this section. The State may waive this requirement if the Department provides sufficient justification. <br />
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