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14 <br /> 1 Craig Benedict said all entities would need to be involved if the Board wants to change <br /> 2 any part of the 2002 resolution. He said this resolution did not get into the specific uses of the <br /> 3 open space acreage. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich asked if there is a plan for mixed-use, and if the support services for <br /> 5 this area can be identified. <br /> 6 Craig Benedict said the 2002 resolution only has a general amount of acreage and did <br /> 7 not get into a mixed-use discussion. He said this discussion would need to be opened. <br /> 8 Commissioner Jacobs said he does have some historical knowledge of this tract. <br /> 9 Commissioner Jacobs said the parcel they did not discuss was the 60 acres, and they <br /> 10 need to decide what to do with this and get it off the table. He said it was decided to keep it as <br /> 11 protected open space with passive recreation, per the Town of Chapel Hill. He said an entity, <br /> 12 that will conserve this parcel, should be found. He said if this can be accomplished, there <br /> 13 would be a remarkable amenity in this area of Chapel Hill. <br /> 14 Commissioner Jacobs said the other issue is what to do with the other parcel. He said <br /> 15 there was initially great resistance to mixed-use, but over time people started talking about it as <br /> 16 a possible school site. He said also people began talking about opening up active recreation on <br /> 17 the 99-acre site, in association with a school, and housing, etc. His historical recollection was <br /> 18 that staff was directed to bring back a mixed-use proposal for this parcel, but this has not <br /> 19 happened. <br /> 20 Commissioner Jacobs said he hoped that this meeting would lead to the 60-acre parcel <br /> 21 being completed, and the 99 acres having a mixed-use scenario, including a school, active <br /> 22 recreation and affordable housing. <br /> 23 Chair McKee said he has no issue with setting aside the 60-acre parcel, as originally <br /> 24 intended. He said having a partner to do so, may be financially advantageous. <br /> 25 Commissioner Jacobs said his intent would be for this to be low impact recreation in the <br /> 26 midst of an urbanized area. <br /> 27 David Stancil gave some historical background on the 60-acre parcel, and the possible <br /> 28 conservation on this site. <br /> 29 Bonnie Hammersley referred to the multi-jurisdictional staff team, and said they are <br /> 30 looking at the environmentals of the Greene Tract site, which she shared with the Town <br /> 31 Managers. <br /> 32 Chair McKee suggested bringing this back to the Assemblies of Governments (AOG), <br /> 33 which would afford the opportunity to gauge the buy-in from all involved. He echoed <br /> 34 Commissioners Rich and Jacobs' comments that only placing affordable housing in this area is <br /> 35 irresponsible. He said there must be commercial as well. <br /> 36 Bonnie Hammersley said presenting to the AOG would be at the discretion of the Board. <br /> 37 She said the work group has talked about the work that the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood <br /> 38 Association (RENA) has done on this, and when she gets this report she will share it with the <br /> 39 Board of County Commissioners. <br /> 40 Commissioner Pelissier endorsed Chair McKee's suggestion to add this topic to the <br /> 41 AOG. She said this issue has to move forward. <br /> 42 Commissioner Burroughs said there are now only two places left for elementary schools: <br /> 43 the Greene Tract and Carolina North sites, with the latter being shaky. She said part of the <br /> 44 goal of the bond is to increase capacity in the schools. She said growth will continue, and the <br /> 45 Greene Tract may be an option. <br /> 46 Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Manager and staff for their work on this item. <br /> 47 Commissioner Jacobs reiterated the previous suggestion of the County buying out its <br /> 48 partners in this site, if they are not interested in pursuing something on it. <br /> 49 Commissioner Rich said she thinks people are ready to move forward with the Greene <br /> 50 Tract. <br />