Orange County NC Website
004 <br /> (4) Impact. Under this criterion, projects will be evaluated <br /> to determine both the short term impacts (numbers of <br /> of units and beneficiaries involved immediately, impact <br /> on local housing needs, etc.) and the long term impacts <br /> (efforts to ensure longer term availability to low-and <br /> moderate-income persons, maintenance of project improve- <br /> ments, etc.) <br /> (5) Other Funds. Under this criterion, projects will be <br /> evaluated to determine the amount of non-CDBG funds <br /> involved, the source and use of such funds, and the <br /> strength of the commitment of the other funds. <br /> Except for the low and moderate income benefit criterion, and basic <br /> program eligibility requirements, no minimum criteria or requirements <br /> will be applied to projects. All eligible projects received will be <br /> evaluated against each other, and those projects which best meet the <br /> identified criteria will be selected for funding. <br />