Orange County NC Website
003 Selection Criteria For Housing Demonstration Projects <br /> A. Types of Projects <br /> Eligible projects must address at least one of the following areas: <br /> 1. Maintenance of Low and Moderate Income Housing. <br /> Projects in this area should address innovative <br /> approaches to maintaining existing housing occupied <br /> primarily by low and moderate income persons. <br /> Activities might include special incentives to property <br /> owners; education and training programs for residents <br /> and landlords; housing reinspection programs; tool <br /> lending "libraries"; purchase of materials; etc. <br /> 2. Ada tive Reuse of Structures or Property for Conversion <br /> to Low an Mo erate Income Housing. <br /> Projects in this area should address innovative <br /> approaches to increasing the housing stock available <br /> to low and moderate income persons. Activities might <br /> focus on conversion of non-housing structures into <br /> housing units or conversion of existing single-family <br /> dwellings to shared housing. <br /> 3• Self-Help Approaches to Housing Rehabilitation or <br /> Construction for Low and Moderate Income Persons. <br /> Projects in this area should address utilizing low and <br /> moderate income beneficiaries of the program in <br /> rehabilitating existing housing or constructing new <br /> housing through approved neighborhood based non- <br /> profit groups. Activities may include material sub- <br /> sidies, payment of direct labor costs for construction, <br /> and real estate acquisition. <br /> B. Selection Criteria <br /> (1) Low and Moderate Income Benefit. All activities in <br /> each housing demonstration application must benefit at <br /> least 51% low and moderate income persons. Projects <br /> will be evaluated to determine if this minimum standard <br /> is met or exceeded. Under this criterion, projects also <br /> will be evaluated on the documentation of the methodology <br /> to determine benefit. <br /> (2) Innovation. Under this criterion, projects will be <br /> evaluated to determine how frequently similar approaches <br /> have been utilized across the state and within the <br /> housing demonstration application pool. <br /> (3) Transfer Potential. Under this criterion, projects will <br /> be evaluated to determine the potential for implementing <br /> similar approaches in other localities. <br />