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1 <br /> 5. LOTS 18 AND 18A -- PHASE 2 -- LAKE WOODS SUBDIVISION <br /> Planner Greg Szymik presented for consideration of approval the <br /> Preliminary Plan for Lots 18 and 18A Phase 2 Lake Woods. The property is <br /> located in Chapel Hill Township at the corner of Jones Ferry Road and Lake <br /> Court. Two lots are proposed out of 5. 02 acres. The Planning Board and the <br /> Manager recommends approval with two conditions. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hartwell to approve the Manager's recommendation with the two conditions <br /> listed below: <br /> (1) Both lots must receive access from Lake Court. <br /> (2) Payment-in-lieu of dedicated open space in the amount of $474. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 6. SALLY FEATHER SUBDIVISION <br /> Greg Szymik presented for consideration of approval <br /> Plan for Sally Feather. The property is located in Eno Township on Preliminar <br /> Lawrence <br /> Road. One lot 3 . 23 acres is proposed out of a 40. 93 acre tract. It is zoned <br /> Rural Residential and designated Rural Residential in the Land Use Plan. The <br /> Planning Board and Manager recommends approval. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve the Manager's recommendation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 7. DURHAM-HILLSBOROUGH WATER LINE AGREEMENT <br /> Marvin Collins stated that the City of Durham and the City of <br /> Hillsborough have adopted a waterline agreement to address the extension of a <br /> waterline along U.S. Highway 70 between the two communities. The agreement <br /> permits connections along its entire length. The current Land Use Plan has a <br /> recommended goal or policy that no connections would be permitted within the <br /> areas that are designated Rural Residential. On July 14, the Orange County <br /> Planning Board considered the proposed agreement and made several <br /> recommendations. They requested that the two parties be contacted to seek <br /> revisions to the agreement which would permit connections only in designated <br /> 10 and 20-year transition areas in accordance with the Land Use Plan or in <br /> situations where emergency services are needed. The second recommendation <br /> was that Orange County contact the City of Durham for the purpose of seeking <br /> revisions to its Urban Growth Boundary which are consistent with the 10 and <br /> 20 year Transition Areas of the Orange county Land Use Plan. The third <br /> recommendation had to do with Section 11 being revised to clearly define the <br /> limits for the transmission of water from Hillsborough to Durham and that <br /> such limits be based in part on the limits for withdrawals from the Eno <br /> River. <br /> The Planning Board asked that if these recommendations could not be <br /> secured that several policies be approved at this time. These are listed <br /> below in the motion. <br /> Meetings have been held with the City of Durham and Hillsborough and <br /> they agreed to revise the agreement to be consistent with the Orange County <br /> Land Use Plan. On July 27, the Durham City Council addressed the County's <br /> concerns in the revised agreement which indicates that the City "will allow <br /> new development only in conformance with the adopted land use plan of Orange <br /> County". When the Town of Hillsborough acted on the agreement on August 10, <br /> it did not include a similar provision within the agreement. <br /> In the revised agreement, capacity has been defined to mean "the <br /> capacity of the Town of Hillsborough to supply water to the City of Durham <br /> from the Eno River in light of any applicable restrictions in effect at that <br /> time. These restrictions refer the withdrawal ordinances that the or <br /> the City may have adopted. County Count <br /> Since the Hillsborough Town Council has chosen not to recognize the <br />