Orange County NC Website
that area and the importance of the County showin 9 <br /> of - what Duke University has requested of the County°whiletatatheresameltime <br /> not creating any threat to Duke Forest but to help protect the access into <br /> it. <br /> Planning Director Marvin Collins noted that Duke is in the process of <br /> cutting trees in this specific area and expressed concern about limited <br /> access since there is a possibility that in the future the County could <br /> extend the greenway on the east side of Piney Creek which would be compatible <br /> with the area. <br /> After a brief discussion, it was decided that a policy statement <br /> would be considered at the next meeting which would then be sent to Duke <br /> University to reassure them of the County's commitment to protect the access <br /> to the Duke Forest properties. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit asked about restrictive covenants to maintain <br /> the character of the area and it was decided and agreed to by the developer <br /> that these guidelines would be submitted with the final plat for approval by <br /> the Planning Board. <br /> Geoffrey Gledhill suggested that the Board direct the Planning <br /> Staff/Board to bring back to the Board Subdivision Ordinance amendments which <br /> would require restrictive covenants of subdivisions in the Rural Buffer which <br /> address the internal concept of the Rural Buffer. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Halkiotis to approve the Preliminary Plan with the attachment of 10 <br /> conditions listed below with the understanding that the restrictive covenants <br /> will be submitted with the final plat. <br /> (1) Show the new right-of-way line for Mt. Sinai Road as a boundary line <br /> on the plat. <br /> (2) Show the Type B Buffer line 30 ' from the new right of- way line of <br /> Mt. Sinai Road (SR 1718) . <br /> (3) In Phase Two, post a sign at the end of Twin Pines Lane cul-de-sac to <br /> indicate the intended future extension of that road. <br /> (4) Provide a left turn lane off Mt. Sinai Road with the final approval <br /> of Phase One. <br /> (5) Improved recreation space must meet the re ir 7 of the Subdivision Regulations including off-streetlpparking. of Section IV-B <br /> (6) Provide a 50-foot right-of-way on Twin Pines Lane along the entire <br /> length to the boundary line. <br /> (7) Post signs to prohibit swimming in the existing pond. <br /> The Planning Director recommends the following two additional conditions <br /> to address concerns expressed by the Duke Forest Advisory Committee: <br /> (8) A copy of the July 28, 1987 memorandum from the Duke Forest Advisor <br /> Committee should be submitted to the developer and the NC Division of <br /> Environmental Management for use in preparation, review, and approval of the <br /> tow pressure sewage disposal system permit. <br />'our(ity, the In Final the purposeiof land being dedicated to Orange <br />!or recreation and/or open space purposes. " Land dedicated to Orange County <br /> On July 28, after the Planning Board had recommended approval of the <br /> Ireliminary plan, the Planning Staff was advised by the project engineer of <br />