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• <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. 8 <br /> • <br /> 15. SIGNING OF THE 1987-88 BUDGET ORDINANCE AND CAPITAL PROJECT <br /> The Board signed the 1987-88 Budget Ordinance and the Capital Project <br /> Ordinances. These are contained on pages <br /> of these minutes. <br /> G. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br /> 1. STRATFORD GREEN - PRELIMINARY <br /> Planner Greg Szymik presented for consideration of approval the <br /> Preliminary Plan for Stratford Green Subdivision. The property is located in <br /> Hillsborough Township on Orange High School Road. Eight lots are proposed <br /> out of 8. 30 acres. A private Class B road is proposed to serve the <br /> development. The property is zoned R-20 in the Town of Hillsborough's zoning <br /> jurisdiction and designated ten-year transition in the Orange County Land Use <br /> Plan. The Planning Board recommended approval. The Manager recommends <br /> approval with the condition that the proposed Victoria Drive is designated as <br /> a public road and constructed to NCDOT standards. <br /> Planning Board Chair Barry Jacobs referred to a letter from the <br /> County Attorney in which comments were made regarding private versus public <br /> roads. He asked that the Board, at their next meeting, directly address if <br /> they wish the Planning Board to look at the criteria in the standards for <br /> application procedures. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Carey to approve the Manager's recommendation. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 2 . PINEY MOUNTAIN SUBDIVISION (See permanent agenda file in the Clerk's <br /> Office for courtesy review comments from Chapel Hill) <br /> Planner Emily Crudup presented for consideration of a <br /> Preliminary Plan for Piney Mountain. The tedovon the <br /> property <br /> northeast side of Mt. Sinai Road a y is located on the <br /> Orange/Durham County line. The tractrislzonedy Rural hBufferlandedesignated of the <br /> Rural Residential on the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan. A cluster <br /> subdivision is proposed out of a 128 acre tract with 59 lots in two phases. <br /> Each lot will be served by public roads and by common nitrification fields <br /> for septic tank disposal and maintained by North State Utilities, Inc. <br /> Crudup reviewed the courtesy review comments made by the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and the Orange County Planning Board recommendation with the <br /> attachment of seven (7) conditions and three (3) additional conditions <br /> recommended by the Planning Director which are listed below in the motion. <br /> Commissioner Hartwell questioned the ownership of the nitrification <br /> fields and Crudup stated it is her understanding that North State Utilities <br /> would own, maintain and operate the system just like any other utility with <br /> the rates regulated by the State. <br /> Dennis Osborne of Dennis J. Osborne & Associates, Raleigh, spoke <br /> about the ownership of the land and the nitrification field and explained <br /> that the land is considered as collateralized value asset. <br /> In answer to a question from Commissioner Halkiotis, Crudup explained <br /> that signs prohibiting swimming resulted from a concern expressed by the <br /> Planning Board that affluent may drain into the pond from the nitrification <br /> fields. <br /> Mark O'Neal explained that they are trying to maintain the character <br /> of the area and that Mr. Osborne has indicated that there is a very small <br /> chance of any affluent getting into the pond. <br /> Mr. Osborne assured the Board that in the nitrification fields the <br /> wells would be monitored. <br /> Chair Marshall spoke to the preservation of Duke Forest. She <br /> emphasized the effort put forth by other governmental entities to protect <br />