to pay the costs of influencing any officer or employee of a Federal agency,
<br />Member of Congress, officer of Congress or employee of a member of Congress, in
<br />connection with making or extending the Grant Agreement;
<br />(2) It will comply with other applicable Federal laws and regulations
<br />prohibiting the use of Federal assistance for activities, designed to influence
<br />Congress or a State legislature with respect to legislation or appropriations,
<br />except through proper, official channels; and
<br />(3) It will comply, and will assure the compliance of each sub - recipient,
<br />lessee, or third party contractor at any tier, with U.S. DOT regulations, "New
<br />Restrictions on Lobbying," 49 C.F.R. Part 20, modified as necessary by 31
<br />U.S.C. § 1352.
<br />e. Employee Political Activity. To the extent applicable, the Contractor agrees
<br />to comply with the provisions of the Hatch Act, 5 U.S.C. §§ 1501 through 1508, and
<br />7324 through 7326, and U.S. Office of Personnel Management regulations,
<br />"Political Activity of State or Local Officers or Employees," 5 C.F.R. Part 151. The
<br />Hatch Act limits the political activities of State and local agencies and their officers
<br />and employees, whose principal employment activities are financed in whole or part
<br />with Federal funds including a Federal grant, cooperative agreement, or loan.
<br />Nevertheless, in accordance with 49 U.S.C. § 5307(k)(2)(B) and 23 U.S.C. §
<br />142(g), the Hatch Act does not apply to a non - supervisory employee of a public
<br />transportation system (or of any other agency or entity performing related functions)
<br />receiving FTA assistance to whom the Hatch Act would not otherwise apply.
<br />f. False or Fraudulent Statements or Claims. The Contractor acknowledges
<br />and agrees that:
<br />(1) Civil Fraud. The Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, as
<br />amended, 31 U.S.C. §§ 3801 et seq., and U.S. DOT regulations, 'Program
<br />Fraud Civil Remedies," 49 C.F.R. Part 31, apply to its activities in connection
<br />with the Project. By executing this Agreement for the Project, the Contractor
<br />certifies or affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of each statement it has
<br />made, it makes, or it may make in connection with the Project. In addition to
<br />other penalties that may apply, the Contractor also understands that if it
<br />makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent claim, statement, submission,
<br />certification, assurance, or representation to the Federal /State Government
<br />concerning the Project, the Federal /State Government reserves the right to
<br />impose on the Contractor the penalties of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies
<br />Act of 1986, as amended, to the extent the Federal /State Government deems
<br />appropriate.
<br />(1) Criminal Fraud. If the Contractor makes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent
<br />claim, statement, submission, certification, assurance, or representation to
<br />the Federal /State Government or includes a false, fictitious, or fraudulent
<br />statement or representation in any agreement with the Federal /State
<br />Government in connection with a Project authorized under 49 U.S.C. chapter
<br />53 or any other Federal law, the Federal /State Government reserves the right
<br />to impose on the Contractor the penalties of 49 U.S.C. § 5323(1)2 18 U.S.C. §
<br />1001 or other applicable Federal /State law to the extent the Federal /State
<br />Government deems appropriate.
<br />Section 4. Project Expenditures.
<br />a. General. The Department shall reimburse the Contractor for allowable costs
<br />for work performed under the terms of this Agreement. The Contractor shall
<br />expend funds provided in this Agreement in accordance with the approved Project
<br />Budget(s), included as Attachment A to this Agreement. It is understood and
<br />Updated 04115/16
<br />