Orange County NC Website
A <br /> * * * * * <br /> I, Beverly Blythe, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners <br /> for the County of Orange, North Carolina, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that <br /> the foregoing has been carefully copied from the actually <br /> recorded minutes of a special meeting of the Board of <br /> Commissioners for said County held on June 15, 1987, the record <br /> having been made in Minute Book No. Z/ of the minutes of said <br /> Board, beginning at page °--_ and ending at page `T , and is a <br /> true copy of so much of said minutes as relates in any way to the <br /> issuance of $200, 000 Sanitary Sewer Bond Anticipation Notes of <br /> said County. <br /> I DO HEREBY FURTHER CERTIFY that notice of said meeting <br /> of said Board, signed by the Chairman and stating that a special <br /> meeting of said Board would be held at 4: 00 P.M. on June 15, <br /> 1987, at the Commissioners' Meeting Room in Hillsborough, North <br /> Carolina, concerning the passage of a resolution providing for <br /> the issuance of $200,000 Sanitary Sewer Bond Anticipation Notes <br /> of said County, was, at least six hours before said meeting, <br /> delivered to each memeber of said Board or left at his or her <br /> usual dwelling place, and, at least forty-eight hours before said <br /> meeting, posted on the principal bulletin board of said Board and <br /> mailed or delivered to each newspaper, wire service, radio <br /> station, television station and person that had filed with me a <br /> written request for notice pursuant to G.S. 143-318. 12. <br /> WITNESS my hand and the corporate seal of said County, <br /> this 15th day of June 1987. <br />