Orange County NC Website
aggregate face amount of all tax-exempt obligations (other than <br /> private activity bonds) issued by the County (and all subordinate <br /> entities thereof) during calendar year 1987 is reasonably <br /> expected not to exceed $5, 000, 000 and (v) to the best of the <br /> County's knowledge, there are no subordinate entities of the <br /> County. <br /> 14 . There is no other governmental obligation of the County <br /> that (i) is issued at substantially the same time as the notes; <br /> (ii) is sold pursuant to a common plan of financing together with <br /> the notes; and (iii) will be paid out of substantially the same <br /> source of funds (or will have substantially the same claim to be <br /> paid out of substantially the same source of funds) as the notes. <br /> 15. To the best of our knowledge, information and belief, <br /> the above expectations are reasonable. <br /> 16. The County has not been notified of any listing or pro- <br /> posed listing of it by the Internal Revenue Service as an issuer <br /> whose nonarbitrage certificates may not be relied upon. <br /> WITNESS our hands as of the day of June, 1987. <br /> LV <br /> Chairman . <br /> ////:244-. <br /> Finance Director <br />