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ROBERT GREENBERG has been involved with the animal control in Oran7 <br /> ge <br /> County for fourteen years. He talked about the animal problem and the <br /> need to control the population of animals. All successful programs have <br /> two elements in common. The first is a strong ordinance that prevents <br /> animals from roaming and killing cattle and causing property damage and an <br /> ordinance that is enforceable. The second vital element is differential <br /> licensing. The higher fees for fertile dogs and cats is a must. It is <br /> the only way to get the animal population and the animal budget under <br /> control. This is a model ordinance. He asked that the Board approve it <br /> without any revisions. The leghold trap is primitive and should be <br /> banned. There are alternatives to the leghold trap. <br /> CARL WALTERS stated that everyone in the rural area has at least three <br /> dogs. He has lost cattle because of dogs running them to death. By the <br /> time the Dog Warren is called the dog is gone. Most of the owners are <br /> responsible but it is those few that are not. He has never found a wild <br /> dog -- they are stray dogs. The only place a steel trap is used is in the <br /> pond to catch the muskrats. The Ordinance does not dwell on those things <br /> about which farmers have problems. <br /> Pat Sanford said that the Ordinance was written to include the Cunabear <br /> trap. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit asked if there has been an approach where a <br /> differential fee is used with a provision for excluding hunting dogs. Pat <br /> Sanford indicated there have been some provisions for excluding show dogs <br /> but none for hunting dogs. <br /> Commissioner Willhoit suggested that this be addressed in the <br /> differential fee schedule. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Carey that the public hearing be closed and that the Ordinance be referred <br /> to the Manager and the Attorney for their recommendation to be considered <br /> by the Board on June 16. <br /> Chair Willhoit stated that there are ambiguities in the Ordinance and <br /> that some of the numerical values are unreasonable. <br /> Commissioner Halkiotis asked that guidance be given to the Board with <br /> regard to the Statewide trapping law and what the County can and cannot <br /> do. <br /> Chair Marshall noted that because of budget implications the Ordinance <br /> needs to be brought back to the Board on June 16. <br /> Commissioner Carey pointed out that although it was specific problems <br /> that prompted the revisions in the Ordinance, that the Board asked the <br /> Task Force to be comprehensive in their approach and that is what the <br /> proposed Ordinance does. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> Chair Marshall announced that all other items on the agenda will be <br /> continued to June 1, 1987 and will be taken in the order they appear. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Carey to adjourn the meeting. The next regular meeting will be held on <br />