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8 <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 4 . PUBLIC HEARING ADVERTISEMENT <br /> Chair Marshall questioned the advertisement for the amendment to <br /> the Land Use Plan for Little River Township. Planning Board member Chris <br /> Best explained that the only two changes being requested for which infor- <br /> mation has not been received is the possible population impact of Treyburn <br /> and any watershed protection that Durham may want Orange County to be <br /> involved in. Information is expected to be received by the public <br /> hearing. <br /> It was decided that specific references to growth and watershed <br /> protection will be included in the advertisement. <br /> Discussion ensued on Chandler Concrete. The County Attorney <br /> stated that the court decision did not address the operation but only the <br /> plans. There is potentially an advantage to continuing to encourage <br /> Chandler Concrete to request a Special Use Permit so that the entire <br /> concrete plant operation is included in the Special Use Permit application <br /> because there are no screening requirements for their present operation. <br /> Chair Marshall suggested setting a special public hearing and if <br /> Chandler does not comply with providing the necessary application, that <br /> further action be taken. <br /> It was decided that a meeting notice for Chandler Concrete will be <br /> prepared and distributed to the Commissioners. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Carey to establish June 1, 1987 for a public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Marshall to approve the public hearing notice as amended for Little River <br /> with the addition of a public hearing on the proposed Animal Control <br /> Ordinance. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 5. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY STUDY <br /> Economic Development Director Sylvia Price indicated the study <br /> would be done during the period of late May to August. At the same time, <br /> the Land Use Plan and the enhanced Comprehensive Plan which will have an <br /> economic development impact will be reviewed by the Planning Department. <br /> The study is expected to outline several options for the operation of the <br /> Commission in Orange County. She asked that the Board approve the concept <br /> that a Comprehensive Study is needed and to approve the funding of the <br /> project. <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hartwell to approve in concept the development of a comprehensive ED plan <br /> for Orange County; and approve the preliminary study with funding to be <br /> appropriated from the Contingency Account. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 6. JOB TRAINING PARTNERSHIP ACT (See agenda abstract for <br /> modifications to the 1987/88 Job Training Plan Summary) . <br /> Assistant County Manager Albert Kittrell explained that the <br /> 1987/88 Job Training Plan Summary submitted by JTPA was reviewed by staff <br /> and several modifications suggested and included in a memo to the Board <br /> dated April 28, 1987. <br />