Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> NATIONAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK <br /> WHEREAS, the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM has operated since <br /> 1974 to provide local governments with the resources required to meet the <br /> needs of persons of low and moderate income; <br /> WHEREAS, community development block grant funds are used by thousands of <br /> neighborhood-based nonprofit organizations throughout the Nation to address <br /> pressing neighborhood and human service needs; <br /> WHEREAS, in the last several years the Federal Government has reduced <br /> Federal assistance to local governments and nonprofit organizations; <br /> WHEREAS, during this time of constricted Federal contributions to the task <br /> of meeting the needs of low and moderate income persons, the problems have <br /> grown as evidenced by the dwindling supply of affordable housing, the <br /> massive rise in homelessness, and the resurfacing of hunger and <br /> malnutrition; <br /> WHEREAS, during this time of Federal withdrawal from responsibility, the <br /> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM has assumed increasing importance <br /> for meeting pressing community problems; <br /> WHEREAS, the Congress and the Nation has often overlooked the critical <br /> value of the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM and the significant <br /> number of organizations and projects that rely on its funds for support; <br /> WHEREAS, the Congress of the United States has declared April 11-18, 1987 <br /> COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Orange County Board of <br /> Commissioners proclaim April 11-18 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK and call upon <br /> all citizens of our County to support the COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT <br /> PROGRAM. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br /> 2 . ELDERLY AND HANDICAPPED TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br /> Motion was made by Commissioner Carey, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Hartwell to adopt the resolution supporting the Elderly and Handicapped <br /> Transportation Assistance Program as stated below: <br /> WHEREAS, Senate Bill 58, entitled the Elderly and Handicapped Transpor- <br /> tation Assistance Program has been introduced in the North Carolina Senate; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, Senate Bill 58 requests an appropriation of $2 million for fiscal <br /> year 1987-88, one-half of which will be divided equally among all the <br /> counties, with the remainder of funds distributed on the basis of the <br /> percentage of elderly and handicapped population and population density; <br /> and <br /> WHEREAS, the funds would be used to provide transportation services to <br /> elderly and handicapped individuals; and <br /> WHEREAS, Senate Bill 58 requires no local matching funds; and <br /> WHEREAS, the funds would supplement existing sources of support for <br /> transportation services for the elderly and the handicapped but not replace <br />