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VISIONS FOR THE NINETIES <br /> The Strategic Plan for the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School System <br /> What should the Chapel Hill-Carrboro City School System look like in the <br /> 1990's? To address the question, a broad-based strategic planning task force <br /> will be organized. The task force will be composed of teachers, parents, <br /> students, school administrators, school board members, and citizens representing <br /> a broad range of businesses and community leaders. The task force will be <br /> coordinated by the assistant superintendent for support services. The super- <br /> intendent will serve as an ex-officio member. <br /> The charge to the task force will be: <br /> 1. to conduct a status audit of the present program, in- <br /> cluding an assessment of strengths and weaknesses <br /> 2. to conduct a trend analysis, with particular attention <br /> on major economic, technological, political , demographic <br /> and other factors that are likely to have a significant <br /> impact on the school system <br /> 3. to develop a five-year plan of action <br /> Although the task force will oversee the overall strategic planning pro- <br /> cess and be responsible for the final document presented to the superintendent <br /> and Board of Education, it will be assisted in its role by action teams who will <br /> be given specific charges. For example, a planning team could be charged with <br /> conducting the trend analysis. The intent of having widespread and broad-based <br /> participation is to give more people ownership in the shared vision. Education <br /> is not an island unto itself. The education of youth is a community effort. <br /> The planning process will get underway this summer. The expectation is for <br /> a preliminary plan to be presented to the Board at its February 1988 conference. <br /> It will be the responsibility of the leadership team of the school system <br /> and Board of Education to convert strategic plans into operational plans. For <br /> example, based on the status audit and trend analysis, the task force might have <br /> as a strategy: "To respond to the needs of the non-traditional families and <br /> working parents." It would then become the responsibility of the staff to <br /> outline the action plans for addressing this strategy. <br /> Strategic planning should in no way be perceived as a criticism of the pre- <br /> sent school program. We have an excellent school system; however, a formal <br /> planning process allows us to prepare our students even better by depicting <br /> the trends that will affect their future and then responding to those. <br />