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<br /> contractors or any other persons performing any of the necessary or advisable for the implementation of the intent
<br /> Work, or for the failure of any of them to carry out the of the Contract Documents,the Architect will have author-
<br /> Work in accordance with the Contract Documents. ity to require special inspection or testing of the Work in
<br /> 1.5.6 The Architect shall at all times have access to the accordance with the provisions of the Contract Docu- .�
<br /> Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. ments, whether or not such Work be then fabricated, in-
<br /> stalled or completed.'
<br /> 1.5.7 The Architect shall determine the amounts owing
<br /> to the Contractor based on observations at the site and on 1.5.13 The Architect shall review and approve or take
<br /> evaluations of the Contractor's Applications for Payment, other appropriate action upon the Contractors submittals
<br /> and shall issue Certificates for Payment in such amounts, such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but
<br /> as provided in the Contract Documents. only for conformance with the design concept of the
<br /> Work and with the information given in the Contract
<br /> 1.5.8 The issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall Documents. Such action shall be taken with reasonable
<br /> constitute a representation by the Architect to the Owner, promptness so as to cause no delay. The Architect's ap-
<br /> based on the Architect's observations at the site as pro- proval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an
<br /> vided in Subparagraph 1.5.4 and on the data comprising assembly of which the item is a component.
<br /> the Contractor's Application for Payment, that the Work 1.5.14 The Architect shall prepare Change Orders for
<br /> has progressed to the point indicated; that, to the best of the Owner's approval and execution in accordance with
<br /> the Architect's knowledge,information and belief,the qual- the Contract Documents,and shall have authority to order
<br /> ity of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Docu- minor changes in the Work not involving an adjustment
<br /> ments (subject to an evaluation of the Work for con- in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time
<br /> romance with the Contract Documents upon Substantial which are not inconsistent with the intent of the Contract
<br /> Completion, to the results of any subsequent tests re- Documents.
<br /> quired by or performed under the Contract Documents,
<br /> to minor deviations from the Contract Documents cor- 1.5.15 The Architect shall conduct inspections to deter-
<br /> rectable prior to completion,and to any specific qualifica- mine the Dates of Substantial Completion and final corn-
<br /> tions stated in the Certificate for Payment); and that the pletion, shall receive and forward to the Owner for the
<br /> Contractor is entitled to payment in the amount certified. Owner's review written warranties and related documents
<br /> However, the issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall required by the Contract Documents and assembled by
<br /> not be a representation that the Architect has made any the Contractor, and shall issue a final Certificate for Pay-
<br /> examination to ascertain how and for what purpose the ment.
<br /> Contractor has used the moneys paid on account of the 1.5.16 The extent of the duties, responsibilities and lim-
<br /> Contract Sum. itations of authority of the Architect as the Owner's rep-
<br /> 1.5.9 The Architect shall be the interpreter of the re- resentative during construction shall not be modified or
<br /> quirements of the Contract Documents and the judge of extended without written consent of the Owner, the Con- ....d
<br /> the performance thereunder by both the Owner and tractor and the Architect.
<br /> Contractor.The Architect shall render interpretations nec- 1.6 PROJECT REPRESENTATION BEYOND BASIC SERVICES
<br /> essary for the proper execution or progress of the Work
<br /> with reasonable promptness on written request of either 1.6.1 If the Owner and Architect agree that more ex-
<br /> the Owner or the Contractor,and shall render written de- tensive representation at the site than is described in
<br /> cisions, within a reasonable time, on all claims, disputes Paragraph 1.5 shall be provided, the Architect shall pro-
<br /> and other matters in question between the Owner and the vide one or more Project Representatives to assist the
<br /> Contractor relating to the execution or progress of the Architect in carrying out such responsibilities at the site.
<br /> Work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents. 1.6.2 Such Project Representatives shall be selected,em-
<br /> 1.5.10 Interpretations and decisions of the Architect shall ployed and directed by the Architect, and the Architect
<br /> be consistent with the intent of and reasonably inferable shall be compensated therefor as mutually agreed be-
<br /> from the Contract Documents and shall be in written or tween the Owner and the Architect as set forth in an ex-
<br /> graphic form. In the capacity of interpreter and judge, hibit appended to this Agreement, which shall describe
<br /> the Architect shall endeavor to secure faithful perform- the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of
<br /> ante by both the Owner and the Contractor, shall not such Project Representatives.
<br /> show partiality to either, and shall not be liable for the 1.6.3 Through the observations by such Project Repre-
<br /> result of any interpretation or decision rendered in goad sentatives, the Architect shall endeavor to provide further
<br /> faith in such capacity. protection for the Owner against defects and deficiencies
<br /> 1.5.11 The Architect's decisions in matters relating to in the Work,but the furnishing of such project representa-
<br /> artistic effect shall be final if consistent with the intent of tion shall not modify the rights, responsibilities or obliga-
<br /> the Contract Documents. The Architect's decisions on Lions of the Architect as described in Paragraph 1.5.
<br /> any other claims, disputes or other matters, including 1.7 ADDITIONAL SERVICES
<br /> those in question between the Owner and the Contractor,
<br /> shall be subject to arbitration as provided in this Agree- The following Services are not included in Basic
<br /> ment and in the Contract Documents. Services unless so identified in Article 15. They shall
<br /> be provided if authorized or confirmed in writing by
<br /> 1.5.12 The Architect shall have authority to reject Work the Owner, and they shall be paid for by the Owner
<br /> which does not conform to the Contract Documents, as provided in this Agreement, in addition to the
<br /> Whenever, in the Architect's reasonable opinion, it is compensation for Basic Services.
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