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AIME <br /> 008 <br /> -4- <br /> However, if the problems cannot be solved in this manner, we <br /> recommend that more thorough study be given to the best way to <br /> reorganize the register of deeds office. The Task Force did not have <br /> time to study in depth the advantages and disadvantages of its <br /> becoming a state office or an appointed county office. Given its <br /> integral relationship with other county functions, we would have to <br /> conclude at this time that the counties, registers of deeds and their <br /> staffs, and citizens would benefit most by its being an appointed <br /> office within the county management structure. <br /> Recommended Plan for Improvement Summary <br /> 1 . Seek legislation to consolidate the duties of the two state <br /> agencies charged with providing technical assistance to counties <br /> for records management (Records Management Program of the <br /> Department of Cultural Resources and Land Records Management <br /> Program now under the Department of Natural Resources) into one <br /> organization. This organization could exist as a division of the <br /> Department of State Treasurer similar to the Local Government <br /> Commission. Its duties would be to (a) develop regulations for <br /> recording, filing, indexing, maintenance, and disposition of <br /> records pertaining to real property; (b) ascertain from time to <br /> time whether the provisions of the general statutes as applied <br /> to indexing are being carried out; (c) provide technical <br /> assistance to counties in the application efficient and <br /> economical methods of managing records; (d) recommend <br /> improvements including the use of space, equipment and supplies; <br /> (e) order any person having the care and custody of land records <br /> to comply with general statutes and published regulations; (f) <br /> specify the time within which the statutes and regulations shall <br /> be complied with after taking into consideration the availability <br /> of facilities, equipment, and current workload; and (g) cause the <br /> enforcement of any such order by application to the superior <br /> court to issue an appropriate decree of process, which <br /> application shall be brought and the proceedings thereon <br /> conducted by the attorney general. <br /> 2. Provide a means for funding land records management improvement <br /> measures by (a) establishing user fees related to the cost of <br /> originating, maintaining, and storing land records, (b) <br /> establishing a statewide reserve to provide matching grants, and <br /> (c) encouraging the use of local capital reserve funds, <br /> established pursuant to G. S. 159-18, for the accumulation of <br /> revenue designated for records management improvements. <br /> 3. If register of deeds remains an elected office, retain the <br /> operation as a county department and seek ways to enhance <br /> coordination with other county and municipal departments with <br /> technical assistance from the State. Registers of deeds and <br /> county commissioners should work together to address the first <br /> nine findings and recommendations of the Task Force and now may <br /> be the time to consider increasing the professionalism of the <br /> position by (a) reconstituting the position of register of deeds <br /> from elected to appointed within the county management structure, <br /> (b) providing employee safeguards and protections through <br />