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acre proposal. 7 <br /> 19. CECIL GRIFFITH stated he lived in the area for 23 years. He <br /> questioned the logic for requiring a two acre lot size. He noted that <br /> septic tank inspections have limited the amount of territory <br /> for a site. If a person has only one acre of land, e shouldabe <br /> permitted to build upon that site. He asked why it was necessary to <br /> change the setback requirements because of the two acre minimum lot size. <br /> He spoke of the tax rate and questioned why the County did not allow more <br /> density to increase the tax base so taxes would be lower. He see no <br /> logic in the proposal. He questioned who on the Board voted for the two <br /> acre minimum lot size and was informed that it was a unanimous vote. <br /> Peter Kramer stated for the record that the vote of the Planning <br /> Board on the two acre minimum lot size was a five to five vote. He noted <br /> that increased density increases the need for services which will not <br /> decrease the tax rate. <br /> 20. HENRY WHITFIELD spoke in opposition of the proposal. He reemphasized <br /> that two acre lots will prohibit water and sewer extensions. He stated <br /> that there are health problems that need to be corrected and there needs <br /> to be enough density to pay for the needed services and utilities which <br /> cannot be done with two acre lots. The cost of building would be greatly <br /> increased and the cost of property would increase. He noted that one <br /> acre lots should be permitted and if the developer wants to run sewer and <br /> water lines permit that developer to have one half acre lots. He <br /> indicated that growth is coming and the County needs to prepare for it. <br /> 21. STEPHEN QUINT of the Falls of New Hope area stated that he had no <br /> idea that this proposal would be so restrictive. He feels that the Falls <br /> of New Hope Association will change their position on this proposal once <br /> they are informed of the ramifications. Because of the side setbacks he <br /> will not be able to expand his home. He criticized changing the <br /> regulations and making them retroactive to the existing lots and houses. <br /> He stated it seems that the people are here for the convenience of <br /> planning instead of planning being here for the convenience of people. He <br /> expressed concern for those people who want to give a portion of their <br /> land to relatives for a home. He questioned why the setbacks had to be <br /> changed. He indicated that while he is concerned with development he is <br /> also concerned about the increase in hardship as a result of lower <br /> density. <br /> 22. LIZ PETERS stated that what the Planning Board is doing is defeating <br /> the purpose. She expressed concern for maintaining the character of her <br /> neighborhood. She lives on one acre and feels it wrong that people who <br /> own two acres cannot develop both of those acres. <br /> 23 . HELENE IVEY, Realtor in Chapel Hill, expressed concern for the poor <br /> people in the County. She feels that penalizing people -- for the County <br /> to come in and set a minimum lot size -- is not right. She noted that <br /> she just had 90 acres tested and not one acre perked. The extension of <br /> water and sewer is essential because there is a lot of land in the County <br /> that will not perk. The price of land will be out of reach for most of <br /> the minorities in the County. <br /> 24. DAVID PARRISH, indicated he has four acres and three children. He <br /> asked if his three children could live on the other three acres he owns. <br /> Two of his children will not be able to purchase land in Orange County. <br /> He is looking out for his children but the Commissioners are not looking <br /> NNW <br />