Orange County NC Website
006 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: NOVEMBER 18, 1986 <br /> SUBJECT: REVISED JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENTS <br /> DEPARTMENT: PLANNING PUBLIC HEARING: X Yes No <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) : INFORMATION CONTACT: MARVIN <br /> COLLINS, X346 <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER: <br /> Hillsborough - 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill - 968-4501 <br /> Mebane - 227-2031 <br /> Durham - 688-7331 <br /> PURPOSE: r To receive public comment on the County's proposed new Joint <br /> Planning Agreement between Orange County and the Town of <br /> Chapel Hill and between Orange County and the Town of <br /> Carrboro. <br /> NEED: In 1984, Orange County and Chapel Hill entered into a Joint <br /> Planning Agreement while Carrboro decided to defer entering an <br /> agreement until the Joint Land Use Plan was finished. All <br /> three jurisdictions have since worked cooperatively to develop <br /> a Land Use Plan for the area. In addition Orange County and <br /> Chapel Hill have been jointly approving development requests <br /> since 1984 within 10 and 20-Year Transition Areas outside of <br /> Chapel Hill 's planning jurisdiction. <br /> The Agreement has worked well overall, but there have been <br /> some administrative problems in implementation. Over the past <br /> six months, discussions have conducted by the County and town <br /> managers and attorneys about possible revisions to address the <br /> difficulties. <br /> In September a revised agreement was proposed by the County <br /> Manager. This was followed by elected board meeting October 7 <br /> to discuss joint planning issues in general and on October 13 <br /> to discuss the proposed agreement with Chapel Hill . <br /> A public hearing on the revised agreement was set for this <br /> meeting. <br /> IMPACT: The revised Agreement proposes a new distribution of responsi- <br /> bility between the County and Towns. <br /> Principle provisions include: <br /> 1. Following County adoption of the Land Use Plan on 8/19/86 <br /> and finalized 10/13/86 each town is to prepare a Zoning <br /> Map for its Transition Area using its zoning district <br />